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"Don't act so surprised," Carter said as he walked around the room, keeping his eyes on me the whole time. I felt so much hatred in me, I just wanted him to feel as much pain as possible, but I couldn't do a single thing because I was tied to a fucking chair and couldn't escape.

"You're a disgusting human being." I tried to spit at him but he was too far away. "Why would you even do this? What do you get out of it?"

"A lot, actually." He laughed. "I mean I get a lot of money, get to kill you and torture Harry, see him suffer." He shrugged his shoulders casually.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" I raised my voice the slightest bit. "What has Harry or I ever done to you? You and Harry went through the same thing with Frank and you just act like you don't care, like your friendship with him means nothing to you, just for money?"

It drove me crazy how calm he was, how he didn't react angry at all or maybe a little regretful. Nothing. "Harry used to be one of my best friends but then you came along and it just fucking irritates me that he tells you everything. He doesn't need a girlfriend, none of us do. Girls are here to fuck and cook, that's it."

"You're a disgrace for this world. You're an asshole and I can't believe you out of all the people would do that. Fucking psycho." I breathed out the last sentence quietly but not quiet enough because it seemed like Carter heard me.

"I'm a psycho? That, I have to say, is true. But aren't we all a little bit psychotic?" I shook my head. "You see, everyone has one thing that they would do everything for, no matter what it is. Whether it's killing someone, torturing them, robbing a bank or anything like that. And the thing I would do everything for is money."

I laughed heartlessly. "Money?" I raised my eyebrows. "I feel kind of sad for you; do you really think money is everything? It is nice to be able to buy the things you want to but money isn't gonna get you happiness."

He clenched his jaw but then unclenched it quickly; going back to his I don't care face. "Your opinion is irrelevant anyways. My point is, everyone has that one thing that they would do anything to get and for Harry, it's you. That boy would fucking die for you, man he's so whipped."

"I'm not gonna get you anywhere and if you think that he'll come and rescue me so you can kill him as well, you're wrong." I saw right through him. It wasn't such a smart plan. It was quite predictable, actually.

"Oh and why is that?" he smirked.

"We broke up so I'm useless." I shrugged my shoulders.

An evil and creepy smile tugged at the corners of his lips and he looked me straight in the eyes, standing right in front of me. "You stupid, naïve, little girl. Do you really think I'm that stupid? Did no one ever tell you that psychotic people are smart enough to not make a mistake like that? I feel offended." He places his hand on his heart. "Technically I made Harry break up with you. We talked about it when he came over once and I told the boys that they want to get you but it's not too late. I knew that he'd break up with you if he has to because he just cares about you too much, you're his fucking obsession. Knowing Harry, I knew that he would talk to Stan about it so I just had to convince Stan to make him break up with you."

"Why did you even do that, it didn't help you in any way, did it?" I felt a lump in my throat and felt sick in my stomach but tried my best at ignoring it.

"It made you an easier target for me. Do you know how fucking hard it is to kidnap someone who's basically never alone? I had to do this so I could get you. Now comes the fun part and that is the torturing." He smirked again and I stared at him with my eyes widening.

"You better not be fucking difficult," he headed straight to the table that was across the room and grabbed a camera which was on it. He places it on the table, balancing it on a few other things, so it was facing me. He grabbed a knife that I haven't noticed before and stood in front of the camera so the only thing that could be seen was him. I felt my heart beat rapidly and the only thing I could do was to pray to god.

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