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"Hi," I replied, a small making its way immediately on my face. Harry's eyebrows were pulled together and the corner of his lips was pulled into a smirk, making a dimple appear on his left cheek just like it did this morning.

"Who are you? I've never seen you around here before?" He asked, watching me closely.

"I'm Rose, Rose Collins," I told him and felt myself being slightly nervous at how he watched me whilst I spoke. "I moved here just a few weeks ago."

He nodded his head pursed his lips. "I'm Harry,"

"I already know that," he looked at me with a confused expression. "You were late for class today." I pointed out, smiling softly.

"Right," he said, moving on the bench to make himself more comfortable. It surprised me how deep and raspy his voice was whenever he said something.

"Why did you come to me?" he asked, his eyes darting between mine as if not sure which one to focus on. I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out because I did not know the answer to that question myself. I decided to ignore the question.

"You stared at me today," I pointed out. I had no idea where my confidence was coming from because usually I would be blushing furiously by now. I felt comfortable in his company without even knowing him.

"Yeah I did," The corner of his lips lifted once again as a smirk formed on his perfect shaped lips.

I shook my head slightly to try to get rid of the smile that was dancing along my lips but I did not succeed.

"You did,"

A low chuckle left his throat and amusement was written all over his face. I fixed my eyes on my hands which were lying in my lap and I fiddled with my fingers, thinking about what I could say to keep the conversation going.

Harry cleared his throat and returned my gaze to his eyes which were not so literally digging into my soul.

"I think it's better if you go now," the amusement he held in his face just moments ago was now washed away and was replaced with a serious look. He frowned and his lips were pressed into a thin line. His eyes looked dull and it was impossible to read his emotions.

"Why?" bewilderment was the right word to describe what I was feeling at this very moment.

"Just go," he shook his head as if annoyed that I was still sitting there right beside him and questioned him.

I puffed out some air through my mouth as I stood up and got my schoolbag. Harry was still sitting in the same position, his expression hasn't changed and he was looking at somewhere in the distance as if cutting himself off of the world.

"Well, bye," I turned around and started walking towards the doors of the School, forcing myself not to look back when I felt a pair of eyes stare at me. Knowing that my free period was almost over, I headed straight to my locker and got everything I needed for my next and last period of the day. Friday was the best School day because I didn't have many subjects and lessons and I could look forward to the weekend.

Just as I closed my locker the bell rang and echoed through the passages of the building. Doors were thrown open and students got out of their classrooms, some were hurrying and heading straight towards their locker whilst others took it easy and talked with some friends.

I pushed my way through the now crowded corridors of our School and headed towards the classroom where I would be having Arts in a few minutes. I was glad to see Cassidy already sitting in the same spot she did the last time we had Arts as I entered the room.

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