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"I think I should go back to my friends, I told them that I'm going to get something from my locker and I've been away for quite a while already," I said awkwardly.

He nodded curtly and I forced a smile. The awkward tension between us was killing me so I turned around on my heel and headed back to the cafeteria.

I felt like everyone was staring at me, judging me even though the only people who stared at me were my friends. With red cheeks I walked clumsily back to them. I sat down next to Ana and Andrew again.

"What did you get from your locker?" Cassidy broke the silence, looking at me with a slight smirk.

"I-I got a tissue?" it came out more as an answer than a statement and I avoided eye contact with them. I folded and unfolded my hands in my lap and still felt their eyes on me, making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

"And where is that tissue?" she urged me knowingly and I lifted my head to look at her, shrugging my shoulders as answer.

"She fucking made out with Harry. Harry Styles." Andrew spat and I saw him glaring at me through the corner of my eye.

"No I wasn't?" I defended myself, turning around to look at him. My lips were pressed in a thin line and I gave him a death glare.

He let out a half snort, half laugh and my glare hardened. "Yes you did."

"No I did not. Jesus Christ." I said with attitude and I wanted to just stand up and walk away. But I didn't.

"Rose, we already warned you to stay away from Harry," Ana let out a quiet sigh and Andrew nodded his head, silently agreeing with her. "He'll just use you,"

"I don't care if you say I should stay away form him because I won't. It is my decision with whom I hang out with and I want to hang out with Harry. And he won't just use me, he's not like that."

"Why don't you just date a normal, cute guy and stop hanging out with Harry? Andrew for example would be the perfect boyfriend material," Ana said.

"Then why don't you just date him?"

She looked at me with wide eyes as if she wasn't expecting my answer. "What is going on with you lately?" Andrew asked from beside me and I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing I going on with me," I mumbled, crossing my arms. "I would just really appreciate it if you would stop telling me what to do, okay?"

"We just want the best for you Rose." He replied, putting his hand on my leg.

"No." I removed his hand from my leg and looked around the table. "I appreciate that you care about me but this is getting too far. What I do in my life is my decision and I hate it when people try to control me. I don't want anyone to tell me with whom I should spend time with or who I should date."

I was glad when they didn't say much about it and we changed the subject. Lunch was almost over and we all returned to our classes. I was waiting impatiently for School to be over. All I wanted was to go home, curl up in my bed and watch Netflix.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" Andrew was waiting for me at my locker and I simply shook my head.

"No, thanks though."

I was glad that he didn't try to argue and I pretended like I was doing something in my locker, waiting for the hallways to empty.

When most of the people already left School, I finally headed out of the building as well. I put in my headphones and started walking. I wasn't going home, I just felt like walking around.

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