Dean Winchester | Tricked

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Warning: Slight Cursing.

Demons weren't usually kind or hesitant to murder mere humans. They were against most angels and hunters of the supernatural. I remember the day I was raised from Hell. I would create deals with desperate mortals and murder them without hesitation, following my orders and regret following those actions. That was my new life until I met them; Team Free Will.

They were the most unusual and amusing group of hunters I had ever seen. Castiel was one the 'Angels of the Lord.' Sam Winchester was the considered the brains of the 'family business' and his elder brother, Dean Winchester. He was cocky and hot-headed, something I would have expected from a hunter of his type.

On the day they had met me, everything went completely different from what I had imagined. Sam and Castiel were busy in the library in the nearby neighborhood of Fort Worth, Texas. From what I saw, they had a case about a certain demoness causing trouble.

Dean sat on the motel bed, reloading weapons to prepare them for the unexpected. The motel security was not as difficult to get through, so in reality, I opened the door and sat on the window seat, waiting quietly for him to notice my presence.

Dean's movements had slowed down and swiftly cocked a rifle and pointed it in my direction, his green eyes glaring at my form. My legs sat crossed and I smiled sarcastically at him.

"How did you get in here?" Dean asks, still having his weapon aimed at me.

My smile dropped from my face as I speak. "I came to see if you Winchesters were as good as Crowley said. I obviously thought you boys would get better treatments for yourselves," I sighed, "I was wrong."

I watched with an expressionless face as he stood up and walked over to me. He cautiously lowers his gun, sit keeping a tight grip on it. His eyes scanned me carefully and kept his stern face.

Dean wouldn't show it but, he was shocked. This woman looked like to be around Sam's age, that or it was her vessel but, he doubted it.

He shook his head lightly, looking at me with a slightly amused expression. "I'm taking a guess that you're our little demoness?" Dean asks, his cocky voice finally coming out.

I didn't know why, but hearing his voice gave me shivers, deciding to ignore the strange feeling, I stood up and looked at him. "Give the winner a prize, he finally solved it!" I sarcastically announced.

He jokingly bowed and grinned. "Thank you so much, I would like to thank me, myself, and I." I couldn't stop myself from letting a few giggles escape my lips.

"You know Winchester, you're different from other hunters and exorcists." I stated, a subtle smile on my (skin tone) face.

His grin was replaced with a smug smirk. "Really? How so?~" he purred.

Dean took a few steps and stood in front of me, his green orbs connecting with my (color) ones. I had felt the heat grow on my cheeks and forced myself to not blush.

"All of them wouldn't let me speak to them for long and try to finish me by now." I explained.

He had a solemn expression. "That's what hunters have to do; help humanity get rid of evil."

"Yeah, I can't blame you. I've seen the things that my kind is capable of." I crossed my arms and stood up.

"Well nice to finally meet you squirrel but, I got to go." I walked to the window, the only thing was, I got singed I tries to get near it.

I looked at my surroundings until I looked up at the ceiling and saw the problem; Devil's Trap. I growled in anger and frustration, turning my displeasure to Dean, I caught sight of the victorious smirk on his face. I wanted to slap it off of his face, no matter how sexy he looked.

"You tricked me! Sly bastard!" I sneered at the man in front of me.

Dean chuckles heartily and ruffles my (length and color) tresses. "That I did sweetheart."

I glared at him. "Don't call me that!" I hissed, swatting his hand away while my eyes flashed an all black before returning to their normal (color) hue.

"Here's the deal, you stop being this troublesome demoness and join us on the good team. That or we kill you." he explained as if he were speaking to a child.

I scoffed at that. "I'm not scared of you, your little brother, or your angel friend."

"Oh, not yet at least. You don't know what we're capable of."

I sighed, obviously annoyed and sat with my legs crossed. "I hate you Winchester...." I groaned.

He laughed. "I love you too, sweetheart."

"Don't call me that!" I yelled.

"Don't call you what, sweetheart?" he asked, completely ignoring my command.

"If I take your stupid deal, will you please let me go?" I asked, already tired of being held captive.

He smiles. "That and dinner."

"Fine." I sighed, "Just get me out of this forsaken trap."

"Nah, I'll let you in there for a while longer." Dean had an amused expression and sat back on the bed, continuing to reload his weapons, this time he was facing me.

I imagined strangling him at the moment until I hear the door open and two new voices. I groaned quietly when I recognize them.

"Dean! We finally found wh- Who is she?" Sam asked, oblivious of the symbol keeping me captive.

Castiel studies me and pointed to the ceiling above to Sam. "It's the demoness. Dean caught her." his blue eyes wearily stayed on my figure as he spoke.

"Yeah and the good thing is I made a deal with her." Dean informed his two companions.

"What?!" they both exclaimed, looking at Dean as if he were demented.

"I convinced her to join us on the good side and besides Sammy, we could get information straight from two high-class demons: Crowley and....what's your name?"

I sighed before answering. "It's (name) you idiotic squirrel." Sam snickers at my words while Castiel chuckles slightly.

"Well she already knows how to deal with Dean, she fits perfectly in." Sam said, walking over to me and patting my back a bit too hard.

"That and we have a new ally. Never thought I'd say this to a demon but, welcome to the team." Castiel told me and smiled kindly at me.

"Even though I should be against you guys, I guess it wouldn't be bad to give the good life a chance." I hummed.

The trio smiles at their new team member before going into a group hug, causing a distressed Castiel and (name). The men didn't know why they didn't kill you off in the first place, it's as if they knew I had a feeling of being good.

I did give the good side a chance and genuinely enjoyed it with my new friends and well, boyfriend. Taking new adventures with Castiel, Sam, and Dean. Preparing myself for loss, happiness, thrills, and grief along the way.

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