Tsukishima Kei | Broken Heart

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I had my heart broken several times, and it wasn't through issues with boyfriends. I hadn't been in a single relationship, but I have learned through the many rejections from my past interests that love was difficult to find, but not impossible. I have such high hopes that I will find love, so I decided to be patient.

Despite my many crushes, I have only truely fallen once. Tsukishima Kei was an intriguing character. He was different from other boys, he had a cold, teasing personality towards either gender. Sure, he was blunt with his words but, in reality he had a supporting demeanor. Tsukishima wasn't a fling like the other boys had been, I truly loved him. He had me wrapped around his finger.

Before, he was just another boy in my classroom, now, he is so much more to me. I didn't care how my friends warned me that he would 'break my heart' or 'reject me.' I didn't care. I had to try. I had to know his answer. I have to know if I even have a chance.

"Tsukishima-kun." The hallways were empty and hollow, only leaving us in them. He stopped, not turning towards me. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. I was more nervous confessing to him more than I had been for any other boy.

"I like you." The words came out of my mouth, as simple as that. Tsukishima turned towards me, a cold glint in his honey gold eyes and a harsh frown set on his lips. For a moment, I felt like sprinting off to avoid his answer.

"Why?" That was the only word that was uttered out of his mouth. The question surprised me, I thought he would give me an answer a 'I like you too' or 'go away.' I cleared my throat quietly.

"I know that many don't think exactly kindly of you, but I want to see past that. I know you don't waste time and effort on sweet words and gestures, but that's something that give a hint about you. You are kind and supportive in your own way." I didn't say a single word with hesitation, it was my obvious thoughts about him and there was no hidden meaning, it was the literal truth.

Tsukishima scoffed, turning away from in a swift move. "Don't hold your breath, it's useless with love confessions and words. Just leave me alone, I don't like you. Simple as that." I knew he had a sharp tongue, I didn't feel any tears swelling up in my eyes, like I expected. Unlike the other times, I felt.... hollow.

Mustering up the best smile I can, I bow respectively. "Thank you, Tsukishima-kun." The blonde turned back at me, his eyes a little widened.

"W-what?" Though it was subtle, I could hear the stutter in his sentence. I stood up straight again, smiling at him with that same smile; the one hiding my disappointment and broken heart.

"Thank you, for being truthful. I appreciate it. I'm sorry for bothering you, Tsukishima-kun." I turned on my heel, trying my best to calmly walk out of that wretched hallway. As soon as I was certain that I was out of his sight, I broke into a sprint to my shoe locker.

As quickly as I could, I slip my shoes back on and put my school shoes into my locker and ran again, this time, home. I mentally screamed when I felt the tears starting to stream down my cheeks. I harshly wiped my eyes, but in what effort? The tears seemed to never stop.

While I was sprinting, I had harshly bumped into another person. We both collided and fell to the groan, both of us groaning in slight pain. I looked to the poor person I had crashed into. I was met the deep brown eyes that belonged to Yamaguchi Tadashi. Shyly, we both helped each other off the ground.

"I'm so sorry Yamaguchi-kun/(Surname)-san!" We both chorused, much to our embarrassment. I tugged on my sleeve and didn't look at him in the eye.

"(Surname)-san, are you ok? You look like you've been crying." Yamaguchi sounded concerned and he held a comforting grip on my shoulders. I reach to my eyes by reflex, giving myself away.

"I confessed to someone, I got rejected....." He smiled at me, softly patting my head. The feeling of his hand on my head felt so strange, yet so comforting. I could bring feel the slight heat on my cheeks. Why was Yamaguchi making me feel like this? I barely speak to him, why is he being so kind?

"Don't worry, (Surname)-san. You'll find someone else, there's plenty of opportunities to find love. Mr. Right's somewhere out there in this big world." Yamaguchi handed me a handkerchief, which I used to wipe the remaining tears.

"Thank you, Yamaguchi-kun. Any girl would be so lucky to have you as a boyfriend." His face seemed to glow a bright red, even to the tips of his ears, which I slightly giggles at. His stuttering was cute as he tried to deny my statement.

Maybe Mr. Right wasn't Tsukishima Kei. Maybe he's was in front of me the entire time, but my attention was on someone else. I smiled fondly at the thought.

Tsukishima's POV

Tsukishima stared after (Name) as she walked away from him. He turned back to the direction he was heading, but not soon after, he stopped and harahly landed his clenched fist into the wall. He wasn't suffering from a physical injury like right now, the pain he was feeling in his heart was so much stronger and powerful than his bleeding fist.

"Tch." Tsukishima clicked in tongue, soon laughing bitterly. It seemed rather ironic how a girl was making feel and act like this. it's useless with love confessions and words?' Ha, what a hypocrite he was, he didn't even believe in his own words.

He had a chance. A single chance and he wasted it. The girl who he had his eyes on had confessed to him, to him! And him, being the idiot he was, rejected her. 'It's all for Yamaguchi.' Tsukishima repeated in his head over and over, as if were some sort of mantra.

It was true, Yamaguchi Tadashi also harbored feelings for (Full Name). Tsukishima set his heat on the wall, refusing to let his feelings get the best of him, to overwhelm him. He had always gotten the confessions from girls. They threw Yamaguchi to the side, a young man who was an intelligent gentleman, for him, a pessimistic student who seemed nothing compared to Yamaguchi.

Even if it may seem nothing like it, Tsukishima loved Yamaguchi like a brother. Sure, he was cold towards him, but that's because he wasn't good with words of caring love. He just wanted to give Yamaguchi a chance, in exchange forhis own chance with (Surname), with (Name). That evening, he went home with a sinking heart.

-The Next Day-

It was another day at Karasuno with boring lectures to attend. Tsukishima was gazing out the window, his headphones concealing his ears. Yamaguchi sat beside him, reading his book quietly. Tsukishima noticed (Surname)'s seat was empty, signifying that she was either late or absent. The door opened just before the bell for lunch, reavealing (Surname).

Her (hair length), (hair color) was flowing into beautiful curls and the aura around her seemed to be calm and joyful. She took her normal seat in front of Yamaguchi, trying her best to catch up with the lesson, with the help of his notes.

Around lunch time, Yamaguchi came running up to him, a bright glean in his brown eyes. "Tsukki! Guess what?" He seemed to joyful, to which he only responded to raising a curious eyebrow to his friend.

"(Name)-chan made me a bento! And she invited me to sit next to her!" Yamaguchi smiled, his cheeks a faint pink. Tsukishima nodded apathetically, picking at his bento.

'Since when did '(Surname)-san' become '(Name)-chan?' How did he become so friendly with her so quickly?' He thought bitterly, the pain in chest growing heavier. How did (Surname) move on so quickly, she seemed to be faking her smile yesterday, has she already moved on? Maybe Yamaguchi has already gotten into her heart.

'Don't mess up this chance, Tadashi.'


So, first angst chapter..... What'd you guys think?

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