Hungary | Help From a Polish and a Prussian

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-Hungary/Elizabeta's Point of View-

"I'm not sure if I can't do this Gilbert..." I whisper to the albino, playing with my frying pan.

Gilbert laughed that creepy laugh of his. Thank goodness that Francis and Antonio weren't here to witness my rejection. " "Kesese! Come on Elizabeta, you've been crushing on little (nickname) for two years now! It's time to woman up!"

I looked at the (hair color)-haired girl across the classroom. "Yeah, but-"

"Nope! No excuses!" Interrupted Gilbert, he pointed a pale finger towards (name)'s seat.

I gulped nervously, taking slow steps to that desk. She was reading a thick novel and seemed to ignore the ruckus the students made. When I was finally behind her seat, someone took her out of her book.

"(Nickname)! So like, guess what?" Feliks beat me to her. I could hear her chuckle.

"Sale at Hot Topic?" (Name) hesitantly guessed, tapping her chin. Feliks nodded his head.

"Like yeah, that and at every store! We like, totally need to get you a dress to confess to a super special someone~" Feliks cheered while winking at (name).

"Shut up." She laughed, lightly punching the blonde. Feliks nodded and finally noticed me.

"(Nickname)~ Looks like your cru-!" A delicate hand covered his face from finishing his sentence. I raised my eyebrow at a blushing (name).

"Ah! Hi Elizabeta, did you need something?" (Name) said, still covering the blonde's mouth with her hand.

"No, I hear you're going to confess to someone?" I asked, my smile completely forced.

She nodded, her blush darkening. "Yeah, I really like- no, I love her. She is amazing and I want her to accept my feelings." She smiled me.

I pat her shoulder, making her tense. My heart breaks even more. First, it was my break up with Roderich, now my feelings get rejected from the girl I love before I even admit it.

"Right. Well, good luck." I smile before walking back to my seat. I sit down, tears ready to come down my face.

"So, how did it go?" Gilbert asked. My aura turned darker as my eyes looked down to the floor.

"Oh. I'm sorry Elizabeta." He rubbed my back and this time, I didn't knock him out with my frying pan. I clenched my hands into fists until they were white.

-Time Skip-

When the bell finally ran, I grabbed my satchel and ran out of the classroom. I went inside the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I stared at my reflection.

My hair looked slightly messy from the running, my green eyes looked red from stopping the tears. I sighed and grit my teeth. I got the strength to calm down and brushed my fingers through my hair.

I walked outside and onto the bus. It was quiet on the bus. When I finally got home, it was quiet, my parents weren't there. I went through my satchel and started on my homework. When I started on the history homework, I could feel the hot tears streaming down my cheeks, little drops decorated the textbook.

No matter how much I try to stop thinking about (name), she couldn't get out of my mind. About her being with another girl- wait, she said girl?

"(Name) kept saying 'her' and 'she', she likes a girl?" My eyes widen, a smile suddenly covered my face. 

'Maybe she likes me.' I thought happily.

-Your Point of  View-

I smack Feliks' head after Elizabeta left the room. "Ow! Like, what was that for, girl?" My friend rubbed the sore spot on the back of his back of his head.

"For being a blabber-mouth!" I pout. Feliks rolled his eyes playfully.

"Shut up." We walked out of the classroom and go to my locker.

Unlocking the lock, I grabbed a duffle bag from the inside, and zip it up. Inside was a (favorite color) sundress and (color) flats. I smiled.

"I hope she likes me back." I sighed. Feliks flipped his hair.

"Why shouldn't she? You're like, kind, smart, thoughtful, and like, so beautiful!" He told me, patting my shoulder.

"Aww, thanks Feliks. You're fabulous and handsome." He chuckles.

"Don't need to tell me twice. Now, like, let's get you dolled up!" Feliks pushed me into the girls' bathroom and let me get dressed.

-Time Skip-

"Do you think this is too much?" I sighed, walking the way to Elizabeta's house. Feliks smiles at me.

"You look wonderful, and she's like, totally crazy if she doesn't except your feelings."

"Thank you." I suddenly tensed up and stopped walking when I see a green house in front of us.

"Like, what's wrong?" He turned his head. Feliks shook his head realization.

"Well? Like, what are you waiting for? Go and get her!" He pushed me forward.

I didn't move the slightest. Feliks sighed and grabbed my shoulders. "What's your name?"

"(Full Name), c'mon Feliks. You know-" I mumbled, but was interrupted.

"What are you like, going to do?" The blonde asked.

"I want to confess to Elizabeta." I mumbled.

"What are you going to do? I can't like, hear you!" Feliks asked.

"I'm going to confess my feelings to Elizabeta!" I somehow gained the confidence and yelled out.

The Polish boy suddenly smiled. My eyes widened. "She's right behind me, isn't she?"

"Like, I'll be over there, if you girls like, need me." Feliks walked away from us.

I suddenly found an interest in my shoes, and I wouldn't meet her eyes. I heard her giggles. "Do you really like me, (nickname)?"

I nodded at her. Hesitantly, I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I love everything about you. Your accent, your personality, your habit to hit someone with your frying pan, everything. You're the one I love." I said, embracing Elizabeta tighter with every word.

Whst surprised me is, she hugged back with just as much pressure. "I love you, Elizabeta. Szretlek."

"Én is szretlek, (name)" she blushed. I smiled.

Elizabeta kisses the corner of my mouth, making me blush and freeze. She waves a hand in front of my face, not receiving a reaction, she shakes me.

"C'mon silly. We're having out first date as a movie night at my house." She dragged me inside.

Meanwhile, a certain Polish boy called an albino. "Gilbert, like, it's official!"

"Kesese! Finally!" Finally, indeed.

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