Yukio Okumura | Notice Me (Name)-chan!

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I walked into the classroom and headed to my usual seat n the corner, away from the other students. I wasn't exactly talented in socializing and decided it would be better if I wasn't too close to the other students. Mr. Okumura started the class and I carefully took notes of all the useful notes and tips for exorcism.

I was very unaware of Mr. Okumura's gaze on me while he taught the lesson. When the bell rang, I packed my utilities and walked outside for lunch. I had gotten my bento from my locker and sat down at the fountain.

"(Name)-kun!" I heard a voice call out to me. Looking up, I see Shiemi smiling at me while Izumo stood there with crossed arms.

"Yes?" I mumbled in a quiet voice.

"Do you like Yuki-chan?" Shiemi asked me, her green eyes pleaded for me to answer while Izumo looked like she didn't care but, I could see hint of interest in her eyes.

"Yuki-chan?" I said under my breath, clearly confused.

There's no one in our school named Yuki,  unless she means...my cheeks heated up in realization of who she was talking about.

"O-oh, you m-mean Okumura-sensei?" I asked.

"I don't think I do.... He is our teacher after all. And, I want to focus on my studies before having a relationship." I explained to the two girls.

Shiemi nodded her head, understanding my reasons while Izumo smiled in respect.

"Well we're going to get along just great then (name)....chan." Izumo sat next to me, taking out her bento and eating it.

The blonde nodded. "I already thought (name) was our friend." She happily stated.

"I'll be right back." Shiemi told us before walking away.

Shiemi walked around the corner and checked if no one followed her.  She cleared her throat and the Okumura twins came out.

"Well? What did she say?" Rin asked while Yukio looked anxious to know the answer.

Shiemi shook her head at the younger brother. "(Name) doesn't think she likes you in that way, but you have to remember her personality. Besides, she wants to focus on her studies before having a relationship." She informed.

Yukio smiled at (name)'s dedication. He look at Shiemi happily.

"Thanks for trying Shiemi." Tge girl nodded and ran off to continue eating lunch with her two new friends.

After she left, Rin faced with younger brother with a small frown. He rubbed his neck nervously.

"Sorry about (name) Yukio." He apologized, awkwardly patting his shoulder.

Yukio faced his brother with a small grin. "Don't worry Rin, who says I'm giving up on her?" He asked, shocking Rin.

~To Be Continued~

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