Teacher!Levi Ackerman | Rumor Has It

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Dedicated to my amazing sister/senpai, the_doctor_86!

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I please have your attention?" The teachers and staff members of Kyojin High School raised their head and paid attention to the school's principal, Erwin Smith.

The blonde smiled and satisfaction, turning his head to the door behind him. "Alright, Ms. (Surname). You can introduce yourself. Don't be shy." A young woman holding some paperwork to her chest can be seen entering the room, her (hair color) hair covering her face.

She looked up from the ground, smiling shyly and waved a little. "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet all of you. I hope we can all get along." Her voice was calm and soft, certainly not matching her timid action.

A ginger haired woman spoke up, shuffling in her chair. "Um, Ms. (Surname), was it? What are you going to be teaching?" The woman smiled, setting the papers down onto a nearby table.

"Oh, you can call me (Name), ma'am." (Name) smiled sweetly at her, making the ginger haired woman smile in return. "I'll be teaching Pre-AP history to the freshman this year." Everyone nodded and began surrounded (Name) in wonder and excitement.

Well, all except one. Levi Ackerman sat still in the corner of the lounge room, an arm rested under his chin and watching the situation with disinterest. Sighing, he stood up and walked towards Erwin, apathy obvious on Levi's facial expression.

"I take it you want me to be her mentor until she gets accustomed?" Erwin nodded in agreement, a small smug smirk on his face. Levi shook his head lightly in disbelief. He walked towards the crowd and watched as it dispersed in front of him.

Everyone walked away from the scene, keeping to themselves, some mumbling to one another about the two's reaction. Levi stood in front (Name), their eyes meeting each other. (Eye color) clashing with silver ones. She could hear the man click his tongue lightly, making a 'tch' sound.

With that, he left the room without a word. (Name) could only stare after him, surprised at his actions. The same woman from earlier came over, chuckling sheepishly.

"That was Levi Ackerman. He's also a Pre-AP history teacher like you. From what I heard from Erwin, he's going to be your mentor." (Name) could practically feel her soul leaving her body. The woman sensed this and patted (Name)'s shoulder in attempt to reassure her.

"Don't worry. Levi's a good manBy the way, I'm Petra Ral, I'm one of the biology teachers here." (Name) smiled in gratitude, trying to look on the bright side of things. Petra smiled also, keeping a hand on her shoulder just as a sign of closure.

Petra walked her to her classroom and left her inside to let her prepare before her first class. (Name) looked around the classroom, inspecting every nook and cranny she could find. She bit her bottom lip, trying her best to hold back the huge smile she had been attempting to conceal all day.

(Name) sighed lightly, walking over to a shelf full of history textbooks. She pulled one out and opened the cover to reveal its pages. Gently holding the book in her hands, she gently ran her fingers onto the book's spine. Raising her hand closer to her face, (Name) realized there was dust on her digit. She sighed quietly, placing the book on top of the others.

"At least you can tell when something's dirty. Not bad for a rookie." She jumped at the new voice. (Name) turned her head to the door way and saw the ravenette man. She quietly nodded her head in response, not really trusting herself enough to speak, fearing that she may stutter and trip over her words.

"What are you, speechless? Brat, I know you can talk." (Name) was surprised at how blunt he spoke to her. She wasn't upset, heavens no. She shocked to hear the words coming from his mouth. Most men would be so kind and sweet, but this man wasn't like the others, she knew that for sure.

(Name) cleared her throat awkward, hesitantly walking up to him until she stood just a few feet away from the man. "Oh, right. I'm sorry, sir." She clapped herself on the back until she heard him click his tongue for the second time today, but this time it sounded in a more irritated tone.

"Don't call me that, brat. I'm not that much older than you. Just call me Levi." She sighed a breath of relief. (Name) smiled at him, shocking Levi for a moment before his expression returned to normal.

He turned onto his heel and left the room, scoffing under his breath and returning to his respectful classroom. (Name)'s smile grew a tad more as she cheered again. Now she knew that Levi didn't hate her if he wanted her to call her by his name.

She walked over to her desk and sat in her chair. As soon as she sat, (Name) felt a rush of confidence flow through her veins. She finally accomplished getting her dream job. She looked around the room, though when she laid eyes on the doorway, she smiled again.

Across from her own room, there was a clear view of Levi's classroom. To be more specific, of the man himself. (Name) could clearly see him sitting in the desk, looking over some lessons. She didn't realize she was staring right at him until he lifted his gaze and noticed her. (Name) saw him stand up and gently shut the door. Before sighing and going back to looking at her paperwork, she could've sworn she saw a hint of a smile on Levi's face when he shut the door.

Levi shut the door behind him and sat back down onto his desk. He sighed, flipping over the handwritten lessons in his field journal. Just for a few moments, he felt a small smile draw onto his lips. Levi turned his head back to the closed door, remembering that (Name) was right behind it.

He laid back into his chair, running a hand through his hair and chuckling to himself. He found it rather amusing how she peaked his interest despite being just another teacher at this high school. Levi resumed looking over his work, unaware of how that would change soon enough.

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