II: Teacher! Levi Ackerman | Rumor Has It

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~ Four Months Later ~

It was another evening in Kyojin High and the hallways were empty and dim. Well, almost all of them. In one of the main hallways, a dim light shined from room 104. Inside, a young woman could be seen sitting in her desk, stacks of reports and papers placed in front of her.

(Name) tapped the red pen against her chin, biting her lip in concentration. She sighed quietly, setting her arms down and stretching a bit in her seat. Not soon after, she heard a firm knock at the doorway. (Name) was surprised to see Levi Ackerman leaning against the frame when she turned her head.

He stared at her with an apathetic expression, shaking his head slightly and sighing. "What are you doing, (Surname)? It's a Friday night, you should've be at home." (Name) chuckled sheepishly, returning her gaze to the papers in front of her.

She shook her head, shrugging him off. "Don't worry, I just have a few more papers to grade. That's all. The question is, why are you doing so late yourself, Mr. Ackerman?" (Name) mumbled softly, not glancing at him. He only clicked his tongue in response, making another smile appear on her face.

Levi strolled up to her, turning her office chair towards himself and reaching for her arm. (Name) gasped a bit in surprise, the pull being unexpected and making her nearly crash into his chest.

"Levi, it's fine, really. It's just for tonight and then I'll leave, I promise." She told him, backing away from Levi with a faint rosy blush on her cheeks. He looked at her with an eyebrow raised and his arms crossed over his chest. (Eye color) eyes bored into gray silver ones, silently pleading for her to stay.

Levi turned away from (Name) with a sigh, running a hand through his ebony locks. "Fine." He grumbled in agreement, walking over to one of the shelves full of historical literature. She only smiled in response, taking a seat again.

(Name) graded a great amount of papers in a fair amount of time. In those moments, she glanced at Levi, who had taken a seat in one of the desk with a copy of Iliad in his hands. (Name) rested her chin onto her palm, staring at the man in front of her longer than she should have.

In these past few days, she slowly noticed the tiniest details when it came to Levi. (Name) noticed just how handsome and attractive the man really was, how his considerate his personality really is, how he had a hang of cursing like a sailor. (Name) shook her head out of her train of thoughts and turned her head back to the papers, internally scolding herself.

She finally graded the last report and turned her gaze to Levi with a mischievous smile. (Name) saw how he was still focused on the book in front of him. She slowly stood up from her seat and headed towards Levi's direction. (Name) soon stood behind him about to poke his sides in attempts to frighten him until-

"Don't even try, brat." The female groaned in frustration and annoyance, crossing her arms. She watched as Levi stood up from his seat and place his glasses onto his collar.

He fixed the cuffs of his dress shirt and his vest with an amused smirk as he could see the woman beside him pout. Levi chuckled and ruffled the shorter woman's hair lightly with a fond smile. He left the classroom with (Name) trailing behind him.

While the two walked out of the building, Levi interrupted the silence. "Did you skip lunch again?" When he was only responded with silence, he shook his head and sighed. 

"I swear, you're going to end up fainting one of these days if you don't take care of yourself, idiot." (Name) smiled slightly, taking note of the concern under Levi's harsh words. She followed him to a small, quaint diner nearby their apartment building.  It was rather amusing to find that they had actually lived right across the hall at first, but it had already become a part of their daily lives.

After they ordered, (Name) rested her cheek in her palm and stared out the window. Levi gazed at her quietly from across the booth they were seated at. Lately, his students had been noticing how he had cursed less and smiled a bit more. Levi shook the thought out of his head and turned his gaze to the marble floors.

When their food arrived, Levi watched as (Name) picked at her meatloaf, occasionally taking a few small bites. "What's with you?" He broke the silence for the second time that night.

She jumped slightly and rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "Sorry, Levi. I've just been thinking lately. Just having my head in the clouds." She shyly mumbled, avoiding his gaze. He raised an eyebrow and his lips set into a subtle frown, confused by (Name)'s behavior.

Levi sighed, taking another bite of his lasagna. After finishing chewing, he wiped his mouth with a napkin before speaking. "Listen, brat. If you need help, just tell me. I am your mentor after all. Besides, we're friends, aren't we?" He mumbled the last words with an unusual hesitant tone in his voice.

(Name) raised her head from her lap and met her gaze with the gray eyes she's grown to love. Her lips formed to her signature smile. "Of course we are, Levi." He nodded slightly, turning his head back down. She was about to do the same, but she could've sworn she saw a small smile play onto his lips.

(Name) didn't say anything about the subject. She only smiled to herself and continued to eat her meal, enjoying the rest of the evening with Levi.

~ Monday ~

(Name) sat all alone in her classroom during lunch hour, looking over some lessons while eating some grapes from a container on her desk. She sighed at the silence, closing her eyes in relaxation. Until she was interrupted, that is.

Hanjii, one of the biology teachers, entered the room, dragging a familiar blonde woman behind her. "Tell me it's true, (Name)! I need details!" The woman felt dizzy when Hanjii shook her by her shoulders with an excited, crazed expression on her face.

"Hanjii, be careful not to hurt her." Petra tried to pull her off, lightly scolding her. The woman only waved her off and watched as (Name) gingerly brushed Hanjii's arms off her shoulders with a confused expression.

She smiled softly at the two women before answering. "I'm not sure I understand. What are you talking about?" Hanjii squealed in excitement while Petra tried to shush her. (Name) giggled at their antics before finally being answered.

"You and Shorty! Like I said, I desperately need details, (nickname)." The (hair color)ed woman stared at Hanjii in confusion before finally realizing that she was speaking about Levi and herself.

Her face flushed a bright pink, looking a bit embarrassed. "Wh-what do you mean by that?" Petra smiled sweetly, although her amber eyes had a mischievous glint to them while Hanjii grinned like a madman.

"Don't be silly! The students have been buzzing about how he saw you two on a date!" (Name) was about to correct her until Levi peeked through the doorway with an annoyed expression on his facial features.

"Oi, shitty glasses! Shut it, we can hear your screaming from the end of the hallway." Hanjii chuckled sheepishly, while Petra shook her head, apologizing about her friend's behavior.

(Name) ducked her head in embarrassment, her rosy cheeks now turning into a light shade of scarlet. Levi sighed before walking into his classroom and shutting the door behind him. (Name) laid back into her chair with a flustered sigh while Petra and Hanjii teased her, all of them wearing smiles.

Levi stared at the door for a moment, as if he were focusing on what was behind it. Slowly, a smile spread across his lips, an amused glint in his onyx orbs.

"A date, huh?" He chuckled to himself as he sat in his office chair. Although, he didn't mind on making that thought into a reality.

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