Castiel | Pink Azaleas

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It had happened all too quickly for you to understand it. You didn't hear Dean and Sam warn you. You didn't see the demon appear behind you. You didn't even hear the sound of a gunshot until you felt a sharp pain in your chest. Then another rush of pain in your waist. The pain soon engulfing your shoulder. You looked down at your figure, your eyes blurring at the sight of a growing red stain on your white shirt.

You raised your head to look at the Winchesters, only to see their faces, full of horror and anger. Dean didn't hesitate to shoot behind you, aiming many bullets towards the demon. Your breath started to get heavier, your knees gave out on you and you fell foward into Sam's arms. The younger Winchester held the side of your face, his teary hazel eyes meeting your dulling (eye color) orbs.

Dean let out all his fury on the demon. Making sure that the creature died a painful death before making its journey back to Hell. Dean turned his head back towards you and Sam, shakily walking to the both of you. He got down on his knees, staring at you with a heartbroken expression.

Sam was pressing on your wounds to try and stop the flow, but with no avail. The blood only stained his hands and continued to drop on the floor. You smiled weakly, holding one of Dean's hands and one of Sam's hands. "So, this is it, huh?" Sam pressed tighter, making a noise of disagreement.

"Like Hell. You're going to be fine, (Name). Okay? Just bear with it, please." His voice cracked, sounding weak. It almost sounded like he was trying to convince himself that you would survive with your wounds. You laughed quietly, pain strucking your sides.

Dean shut his eyes, praying over and over in his head like it were a mantra. He saw you begin to struggle with keeping your eyes open, so he finally let it out. "Cas! Castiel!" He cried, his voice growing more desperate with every call. Finally, the angel appeared in front of them.

"Dean, what happened?" He was ignorant of your current situation, seeing as the two brothers were hunched over your figure. You soon coughed up blood, catching Castiel's attention. He fell to his knees, taking Sam's place as he cradled you in his arms.

Castiel raised his hand to rest against your forehead to heal you. Groaning, you pulled his hand away from your head. The hurt and confusion glinted in his eyes. "(Name), what are you doing? Cas can heal you." Dean asked you, trying to keep his tone calm.

"It's okay, Dean. I don't want to be saved. I'll die an honorable death. A hunter's death." You chuckled softly, making their eyes widen. Castiel's blue eyes stared into yours. You could see them turn glassy with the tears he was holding back.

Your reached to brush your fingers through his hair but your hand felt too heavy to lift off the ground. "(Name). Don't you dare close your eyes." Castiel wanted to heal you. Now. Even if it was against your wishes for him to do so. You smiled at him one last time before seeing the world go black.

Castiel grabbed the sides of your face, shaking your face slightly. "(Name). (Name)." Your face had dropped limply into his lap, your once bright (eye color) orbs a dull shade and staring into his. He rested his forehead against yours, rocking your body slowly.

"Cas." Dean took you out of Castiel's arms, seeing how he wouldn't want to let go of you. Sam helped Castiel up from the group, no words exchanged between them.

The trio returned to Bobby's and gave you the best funeral they could, not having the courage or the heart to burn your body. Castiel said nothing during the ceremony, only staring at your coffin and your grave. Dean and Sam decided to give him some time to mourn and accept your death.

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