Morinozuka Takashi | Takashi

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Morinozuka Takashi never expected forher to come into his life and turn it upside down. Ever since he laid eyes on (Full Name), something hasn't been sitting in his stomach quite right. She seemed to come right out of a real life fairytale. She was beautiful, yes, but she was also beautiful on the inside as well. (Name) had the best intentions. She had the kindest heart and soul.

He was currently in the music room, sitting beside his cousin, Haninozuka Mistukuni -Honey- as they entertained their guests. The door opened, the blossoms pouring out of the room. There stood a first year with (hair length), (hair color) locks and eyes a gorgeous shade of (descriptive eye color). It was the one and only (Full Name).

"Hello there, princess. What is your name?" Tamaki took hold of her hand. Unlike many other girls, she didn't blush or stumble over her words due tothe blonde's touch. she smiled kindly, chuckling softly.

"I was looking for a room to study in but, it seems it's already occupied." She had a voice that was as smooth as silk. Just as Haruhi was obout to object he stopped her and had beaten her to it.

"You can study at Kyoya's table, he has no guests today. If you'd like you can stay with a host after your session." This was the most anyone had heard Mori speak, it surprised everyone, excluding Honey and Kyoya.

"Very well, as long as I'm not intruding." (Name) was set to Kyoya's table, as promised. She sat down, focused on her book that was entirely based on a diferent dialect; English. Mori stole short glances at the female, all while attending to his guests.

After a few moments, she stood up from her chair. (Name) bowed respectively towards Kyoya and walked over to Honey's and his own table. She stopped in front of them, her hands to her chest, clutching the book from earlier. Smiling that same heartwarming smile, she bowed again.

"Thank you very much, Morinozuka-senpai, Haninozuka-senpai." Though his whole surname was hardly ever used, he liked the way his name rolled off her tongue, sending shiver down his spine. He nodded in response, his onyx eyes making contact with her (eye color) ones.

"I had nothing to do with it, (Name)-chan! It was all Takashi's idea!" Honey said, peeking his head over Mori's shoulder. The girl smiled a bit more, sitting in the cusioned chair across from the duo.

"Really, is that so? I appreciated your kind offer, Morinozuka-senpai."

"Takashi." His strong, husky voice surprised her. (Name) shook her head lightly, sending her out of her confused daze. Clearing her throat, and leaning slightly towards Mori, she asked.

"I'm sorry, I do not understand." Mori had spoken his thoughts unconsciously. The male, quietly mumbled something, but due to the silence surrounding his table, (Name was able to hear his voice clearly.

"I want you to call me Takashi." There was a tint of pink on his cheeks, but her eyes widened in slight shock, blood rushing to her cheeks and painting her face red.

"Alright, Takashi-senpai." Mori shook his head, chuckling slightly.

"Just Takashi."

"If that's what you wish, Takashi." Though it seemed unnoticeable at first glance, Mori wore a small smile on his face. He stood up from his seat, bowing towards his guest.

"I have kendo practice." He left the room, leaving the other guest, including herself to stare in wonder of the door he exited through. (Name) felt a soft tug on her skirt and turning, her gaze meeting Honey's warm brown eyes. The third year smiled at her, holding Usa-chan to his chest.

"He likes you, (Name)-chan. You seem really nice, I can't wait for you to be my 'cousin-in-law.' Bye!" Honey giggled and scurried after Mori himself. (Name) was left with blushing cheeks and slightly dialated eyes. It seemed imaginable, but you could see a dreamy haze in her eyes and smile.

She nearly jumped when Haruhi gently set a cup of fresh coffee, she looked at her, nodding in appreciation and drinking a sip of the beverage.

"He's very intriguing...." She said softly, setting the teacup and its tray with a quiet 'clink.' The remaining host surrounded her, looking at her in a mix of curious and confused stares.

"Who are you talking about?" The twins, Hikaru and Karou, chorused. The hosts leaned slightly towards her in anticipation of her answer.

Smiling, she laughed kindly. She looked at them with shining (eye color) eyes. "Takashi, of course."

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