Mitobe Rinnosuke | P.E. Class

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It felt strange for a P.E. class to be inside a classroom instead of a gymnasium. Your fingers lightly tapped against the desk, (eye color) lazily looking around the room. Most of the girls were whispering to one another or filing their nails. The boys had sat in a circle talking about sports such as basketball and baseball.

You were tempted to go over and join the conversation, but your insecurity held you back. It was only the first day and you were only a first year. Most of the other students were older than you and the ones in your year were in different classes. Sighing quietly, you laid your head down onto your folded arms, wishing that you were just playing volleyball or basketball.

Finally, the instructor came into the room. He was a bit elderly, but he motioned for the class to follow him into the gym. Everyone grabbed their bags and silently followed. The gym was big and spacious, just as expected. It looked very new and clean, probably because this was a newly built high school. 

Usually, the students would dress out and run laps before doing their activities, but in honor of the first day of school and also because you hadn't been assigned your gym uniforms, students were allowed to sit down or walk laps. The boys brought out the supplies of sports balls, which had volleyballs, footballs, baseballs, and basketballs.

You sighed quietly, bending over while holding your skirt, and retrieved a basketball. You walked over to the opposite side of the gym, away from where the boys were playing a competitive game of basketball. You dribbled the ball a little before aiming and shooting from the three-pointer line. Your lips curled into a proud grin as it went in easily with a smooth 'swoosh'.  

The girls sitting down clapped while the boys standing nearby looked impressed. Your cheeks turned a rosy shade as you went to retrieve the basketball. You walked over to the corner were you saw it roll to after shooting, but you were surprised to see a boy already having his hands on it. 

You could only see his backside and the back of his head that consisted of black locks. He turned around, making you stop. The boy was much taller than you expected and also much more handsome. Your eyes connected with his dark ones, making your breath hitch slightly. 

A few moments of continuous eye contact, he smiled, passing the ball to you. Your hands smoothly reached out and caught the ball, enjoying the stinging feeling on your palms from how much force he applied to passing it. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and headed off towards the other side of the gymnasium. You stared after him, almost missing the small smile he sent your direction.

"Whoa, (Nickname)!" Rize walked up to you with stars in her eyes. She was a second-year you had met earlier today. She grinned at you, placing her hands onto your shoulders and shaking you strongly.

Your head began to get dizzy from the force and Rize squealed from excitement, making bystanders stare at her wearily while your cheeks flushed a pink rosy color. "Do you know who that was?" She asked eagerly, shaking you by the shoulders once again.

"Since I'm a first-year: of course not." You answered blankly in a monotone voice, your teeth occasionally clacking because you were being shaken. The blonde brushed you off, drifting off into her thoughts. You sweatdropped as you see her rest her chin in her palm with a serious expression on her delicate features.

Rize suddenly gasped in realization and snapped her fingers, making you jump and drop the basketball. "Don't you see, (Name)?! This could be the blossoming of a beautiful love story between a freshman and a second-year! This is perfect: a newbie sweetheart and a senior jock hottie." You deadpan at her dramatic deep voice. Chuckling quietly under your breath, you smile at the hopeless romantic.


Mitobe had been shooting some balls meanwhile, ignorant of the look that his friend was giving him at the moment. "Mitobe, who's the cutie you helped out earlier?~" Kogaine, another second-year, nudged his sides with a mischievous smile painted onto his lips.

The taller boy raised his eyebrows in confusion, pausing his shot mid-step. He turned and nodded his head in your direction, just to make sure that Kogaine was talking about her. The other boy sighed disappointedly, facepalming himself and leaving a red handprint onto his forehead.

"Yes, I'm talking about her. What's up with you, though? You usually don't go around the newbies." Mitobe shrugged carelessly, shooting the ball up, and hit the rim instead of it going it. Kogaine did not fail to notice him click his tongue and the small blush settling on the boy's usually pale cheeks.

The basketball bounced away from them and Mitobe sighed, chasing after the ball before it could go too far. He was surprised to see it caught mid-air by the same girl. You had pressed your basketball against your hip and almost expertly tossed it towards him. Just like before, the force had been strong and when it landed into his chest, it made Mitobe stumble over his feet.

You smiled softly at the boy and turned away, resuming to shoot from the three-pointer line. His blush turned slightly darker, but hardly noticeable, but it was something all too easy to identify to Kogaine. He chuckled under his breath as his lips curled into a troublesome grin.

"I wonder...."

It was a long tiresome day, but Mitobe had to attended his basketball practice. So, there he stood beside Kogaine, his eyes scanning and studying every new recruit for their basketball club. They all quivered at his stern gaze, well, most of them....

Riko blew her whistle, sighing and reviewing the papers on her clipboard. "Alright then, we're missing two first-years. Kuroko-kun? (Surname)-kun?" The coach called out loudly, waiting for the duo to present themselves, but receive no answer.

"Fine, I guess we'll have to continue-" Riko turned on her heel and was surprised to see a boy with sky blue eyes and hair. He raised his his hand up to his face.

"I'm Kuroko." Riko twitched, holding back a shriek. A girl came running inside, her hair bouncing with the rapid movement. She bent over until she stood in front of the coach and the boy.

Standing up straight, Mitobe saw a familiar face as she faced Riko. "I'm sorry, coach! Kuroko has a habit of accidentally scaring people," You sheepishly smile, rubbing the back of your neck. Quickly, you bowed at a 90 degree angle, surprising some of the students.

"I'm (Full Name), senpai. I hope to be the manager of the Seirin Basketball Club." You beamed in a chipper tone. Riko stood with a shocked expression before her lips formed an all too excited grin.

The older girl grabbed the girl by the shoulders, making her stand straight. "You mean you're the (Full Name) who helped managed the Generation of Miracles?! The one who helped trained the three-pointer, Midorima-kun?!" She squealed. Kuroko swestdropped while you shakily nodded your head.

Riko quickly pushed you to Mitobe's side, continuing to squeal excitedly. "Mitobe-kun, you help (Name)-chan get settled in the club, okay?" He nodded his head in agreement as he could clearly see her eyes discreetly threading him if he didn't.

"The new manager's pretty cute, eh?~"

"I wonder if she'll give me her number..."

"I should ask if I can walk her home after practice."

You turned to Mitobe with sweet smile, bowing respectively towards the older boy. "Hello again, Mitobe-senpai." You chirped happily, receiving a smile from him.

The newbies dropped, their hearts already dropping. They knew they didn't have a chance against the handsome second-year.

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