Eren Jeager | Fallen Warriors

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Death was unavoidable to mankind.

Fate was unkind to the humans as soldiers fell from the sky in bloody heaps, separated from their limbs. Instead of hearing the sweet chirping of songbirds and laughter of children, heartbreaking sobs of anyone close to the fallen filled the air. Wails and whimpers pierced the silence in villages, fearing for their lives as the walls that they had built had been so easily destroyed. Their only hope had vanished as they prayed to escape a terrible future being eaten by a horrible creature, such as the Titans.

Your childhood had been tainted by the massacre of all men and woman, their screams of terror being rewinded into your head repeatedly until they left you breathless with a heavy heart. Before enlisting into the regimen, you would gaze outside your window, daring to go past the wall and fight for your freedom and your life. However, the images you had seen by the windowsill were frightening as the eyes of the Titans would peek inside to see their next meal.

Your mother forbid opening the windows as you grew up in your home, even if it was too stuffy in the household. Even as an adult, you continued to stare out the window, searching for a way to help your people. The Gods had answered your questions by sending several scouts wearing forest green cloaks with the most beautiful wings on their cloths.

"Why did you sign up, (Surname)?" A young man gruffly asked you one day while in formation, keeping his arms held behind his back. You held your breath, searching desperately for the symbol the soldiers had worn on their arms. Smiling sweetly, you turned towards him as you nudged your head forward towards a training cadet.

"I want to fly to freedom and past the walls."


The young trainee had possessed such entrancing turquoise orbs that could captivate anyone in sight. He was known to have troubles adjusting to the training regimen and requirements to train in order to be a soldier for the Survey Corps. His name was Eren Jeager and although he had been trouble from the start, you somehow knew that this boy had good intentions.

"I know you want to master this as soon as possible, but don't you think you should take a break?" You questioned Eren as you leaned against the equipment, giggling quietly when he was twisted upside down by the wires. He puffed out his cheeks, crossing his arms over his chest.

Eren attempted to lift his body forward and off the ground, which only resulted with his head hitting the firm dirt underneath him. He looked up at you with a reluctant expression, sighing softly. "Maybe I should call it a night. Just this once, okay?" You smile at his pout, wrapping your fingers around his shoulders and lifting him upwards.

"Maybe a little shuteye'll help you. Now, let's patch you up before Mikasa gets angry at me." You nudge him towards the infirmary. Eren nods his head, chuckling sheepishly and grabbing onto your hand before pulling you with him. You yell out of surprise and trail after him, trying to match his large set of steps.

"What do you think about the Corps? Why is it that you don't want to joint the Military Police with the others and be safe?" Eren questions, breaking the silence in the infirmary room as you bandaged the scratches on his head. You sigh under your breath, setting the gauzes aside and brushing your fingers through his hair.

Your lips couldn't help but curl into a fond smile as his shoulders tense at the contact. Eren held his breath, feeling his cheeks flush slightly. "I don't want to live inside the walls with fear. The Corps can go beyond the walls and battle for others." You answered his questions, your smile disappearing as you spoke. He held his bottom lip in between his teeth, holding on to every word that came out of your mouth.

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