AU! Erwin Smith & Levi Ackerman | Love at the Office

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First love triangle shot! This is the my first time writing one, I hope you enjoy! ^-^

Survey Corps Industry was the home to some of the best detectives and police officers in all of Europe. There belong the three best detectives; Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman, and (Full Name).

Levi and Erwin had been there for some time, but still took a whole year to receive the top title of 'the best'. (Name), however, was a whole different story. She had only been there for five months, she had been on the list with the two men.

(Name) was a beautiful, quiet and almost emotionless. So, if she got angry, you could tell, because the room will turn darker than Levi's glare. She was also quick and intelligent. (Name) had solved seventy cases on her own without the help of a partner.

So naturally, she had caught the attention of many of the men at industry, especially Erwin's and Levi's.

But, there was only one problem.

-First Person Point of View-

I sighed quietly as I threw the file onto my desk. Sitting down, I looked through it's contents with careful eyes. I blew some loose strands of hair from my bun. I reluctantly let my (color) hair free from the hair-tie. I brushed my fingers through it to make it look natural.

I heard a whistle. "(Nickname), you should let your hair down more often." I rolled my eyes at the flirt.

"Alright (random name), leave (surname) alone." A new, strict, yet gentle voice shooed him away.

Turning my wheelchair, I greet the familiar blonde. "Morning Armin." I smile slightly at him, before turning towards my file, my smile disappearing.

He smiled at me and sat on the desk to my right. Armin Arlert was also a rookie, but had the brain to reach the best. He was my partner whenever I thought it was necessary to have a second hand. Besides, I liked Armin, he was great company and amazing on the field.

He took the file from the desk, inspecting it. "A robbery? Hey (name), after this you want to get-" he didn't get to finish his sentence as two higher-ups walked through the elevator's doors.

"Good morning Smith, Ackerman." I stiffly greeted.

Erwin chuckles. "(Name), what did I tell you? It's Erwin."

Levi rolled his eyes. "Morning brats." He greeted, making Armin shake.

"G-good morning sir." Armin stuttered out. Levi glared at him slightly and nodded before walking away to his own desk.

I squeeze Armin's shoulder in reassurance and smile at him when he looked at me. He nodded at me before smiling as well and continued the files.

-Time Skip-

It was finally break time, I rub the weariness out of my eyes and cross my legs, laying down the wheelchair. Take off the badge, I gingerly touched it, looking over it with a small smile.

"It's incredible how you ended up here, huh?" I turn and see Erwin standing next to me.

I nodded amd look at him. "A lawyer to detective." I hummed out, smiling slightly.

Somehow, solving over ten murder cases in court makes you some super genius. I was trained by my father, a lawyer, my mother, a surgeon, and my elder (sibling), police officer. They all raised me to be the best in field.

"Tch. Somehow, I can imagine Erwin as a firefighter anymore." That was definitely Levi next to me. I'd know that 'tch' anywhere.

"Right, you? As a police officer?" Erwin teasingly scoffed.

You could feel the lightning between them. Apparently, ever since I've arrived, people say they've become more competitive.

I sighed, putting my hands on their chests and pushing them away from each other.
"Girls, girls, girls!  You're both pretty. Can't I leave now?" I joked slightly.

Erwin's (and surprisingly) Levi's eyes widened and stared at me in wonder and slight fear. The two toughest men were scared of a smaller woman. If you ask why, just ask about the time they both had black eyes.

"Did you just joke?" They both chorused, making me sweatdrop at their perfect timing.

I shrugged, making them sigh in relief. I picked up my purse and my car keys. I waved to the two men.

"I thought you brought home-packed lunches (name)." Erwin stated.

I nodded, making Levi a little curious. "So where you going brat?"

"Coffee date with Armin." I responded. I waved at them and entered the elevator, heading heading the lobby.

Once the doors closed, Erwin started mumbling under his breath.

"I lost to Arlert?" He mumbles over and over.

On the other hand, Levi growled. He turned to Erwin. Looking up, he sighs. "Erwin, let's put our rivalry aside for now, and work together to get (name) back."

Erwin got to both the desks and picked up his keys. "We better get going. I'm driving."

They both headed away to the nearby café, probably to spy on the couple and mentally kill Armin.

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