IV: Levi Ackerman | Rumor Has It

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His strong arms kept a firm grip around the back of her knees as he took slow steps forwards while the woman's arms had a tight grip around his neck to prevent herself from falling off his back. Levi said nothing and keep his gaze ahead of the dark street while (Name) had her face place in the crook between his neck and his collarbone, trying to think of some manner to break the awkward silence.

"You don't have to do this, you know?" Levi is shocked to hear such informal language from her, but he concealed it easily with his usual stern expression. He chose not to respond to her question and continued walking.

(Name) sighed, tracing patterns onto his jacket with her fingers. The sudden sensation gives Levi goosebumps that leave him with shivers down his spine. "What are you doing, brat?" His voice is quiet and almost sounds like he only spoke to himself. His question is answered when he feels the shape of a heart being trace onto his shoulder.

"What are you doing for Valentine's Day?" Levi could feel his pace significantly slow down at the question, but he paid no mind to sudden heat that appeared onto his cheeks when the question left her lips.

The dreaded holiday had been coming up and was nearly the only subject running through their students' head with receiving chocolates and flowers from their friends and hopefully their loved one. Even the professors had been coming up with activities that coincidentally had something to do with romance, a rose, or a heart.

Levi felt uncomfortable with the topic, already sensing the disgusted shiver upon his back. "If you aren't busy, I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner. Maybe somewhere besides that diner." (Name) mumbled before he could respond. The heat from his cheeks caused the faint rosy shade to evolve into a much more noticeable crimson.

"I'll see if that's a possibility." There was no use in hiding the smile and the subtle joyful undertone in his usual deep and bland voice when he answered her question, a small smile on his pale lips. (Name)'s own lips formed into a proud smile, clutching onto his neck tighter subconsciously as she mentally patted herself on the back.


The next evening, Levi is seated behind his desk with a pensive expression written all over his face. His brows are slightly furrowed and his mouth is pursed slightly. He relaxes and falls back onto his chair with a heavy sigh, running his fingers through his hair. Levi peeks from his door to see her shut door across the hallway.

His eyes shut tightly as he uncharacteristically releases a frustration groan from the back of his throats and ruffles his hair to relief some of the tension from his troublesome headache. Levi glances at his wristwatch, glancing at the current. Finally, he shakes his head, refusing to believe what he was about to do.

"Salas, come here." As soon as his voice booms through the hallway, a woman with short brown hair and bright chestnut eyes appears before him, a frightened frown on her lips.

"You read those manga in your free time, right?" He asks the foreign languages professor, receiving a simple nod of her head as a sign of agreement.

"Can you try to teach me some of those confessions you're always gushing about?" Levi embarrassingly mumbles under his breath, beginning to feel the familiar heat onto his once cool cheeks. He knew once he saw the mischievous grin on her face, that he was going to get what he asked for.


As soon as Valentines Day came around, (Name)'s heart had been fluttering wildly when she sees her students confessing to their boy or girl of their interest and the closest friend send sweet heartfelt messages and gifts to one another. She had already let her classes take the holiday for relaxation as she played a romantic comedy on the projector as she delightful read from her novel.

Many students had already presented the lovely geography professor with wonderful gifts and presents such as flowers and chocolates, which she had gratefully accepted. At the moment, all (Name) could imagine was herself as the protagonist of her little love story with Levi as her love interest.

Her smile couldn't be kept off her face as she eagerly tried to focus back onto the words of her book instead of her wild fantasies that would only happen in her dreams. (Name) lifted her attention from her beloved story to the doorway, where said man was standing. 

His cheeks were questionably a deep shade of rose and he said nothing as he took large steps towards her. The hushed chattering in the classroom was silenced and the movie watchers turned their gaze to the ravenette professor. Levi pulls out a beautiful white rose from behind his head and gently tugs his second button off the cloth of his cardigan.

Without another word, he leaves the room. The classroom is left in a thick layer of tense silence until a handful of the female students squeal delightedly while their male classmates stared at them with mild confusion present in their eyes. (Name) clears her throats before setting the rose down, apart from the other bouquet.

"Are you going to accept him, professor?" Christa, one of the sweetest students, asks her above all the joyful cheers and chitter chatter. She can clearly see the confusion in (Name)'s eyes before sighing with a smile on her face.

"A white flower symbolizes purity and new beginnings and the second button of his sweater is the one closest to his heart. Professor Ackerman confessed his feeling for you." Christa explains and giggling happily when she sees her cheeks redden.

(Name) picks up the flower with shaky digits before a flustered smile appears onto her face. She turns her head to Levi's shut door before shaking her head fondly at the fact that the stoic man was behind that very same door. The classroom is once again silent as she keeps the rose close to her with a heart struck smile on her face.

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