Sam Winchester | We Change

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Sam was staring at a certain picture in the photo album, he took it out of it's foil and had a look in his eyes; sorrow. Two figures smiled at the camera; a young couple in their early twenties. Sam had remembered the date clearly, the day he had confessed to (name), before he lost her.

He closed his eyes in regret. Sam could still remember the bruises and wounds on her body when Dean, Castiel, and himself found (name) strapped to a chair and the mad demon smiling deviously at his work.

After defeating the demon, Castiel had carried her and passed her to Sam. He could still hear those two words he didn't want to hear.

"I'm sorry...." Castiel told him, the fallen angel couldn't heal his friend due to him being human at the time.

Dean had noticed his brother's disheartening expression. His green eyes scanned your figure looked up, cursing whoever decided to end (name)'s life.

Teardrops slowly covered the picture. When Jess died, Sam didn't want to be involved in any romance, that is until, (name) came into the picture. She taught him to be in love again, even if she herself, was a hunter of the supernatural and could possibly die on a case.

Dean watched him from the kitchen of the motel room. His brother had went through a lot that's for sure. He too, missed his friend. (Name) was particularly close to all three of them and left them depressed at her death. Castiel walked to the kitchen table, where Sam was seated and looked at the photo with him.

Dean wanted to cheer up his little family.  "You know, how about we go eat? We need to outside sometime."

Castiel looked up and faced Dean. "(Name) wouldn't want us to be stuck inside." They both look at Sam for a response.

The moose only nodded and stood from his seat. The trio exit the motel and walk out into the empty parking lot, the dim lights giving an eerie feeling.  Suddenly, the light bulbs shatter, leaving the light post in front of them lit. Sam's hand covered his exorcism journal while Dean's hovered over his shotgun and Castiel's over his angel dagger.

The men waited for some sound or sudden movement. Then, they heard slow footsteps. Click, clack.

The figure stopped just before the light. Sam could see it was a woman. She had black combat boots and had (length, color) tresses peeking out of her (favorite dark color) beanie.

"Alright, who the hell are you?" Dean asked the mysterious girl.

The stranger lifted her face, revealing a set of (color) orbs.

Sam walked a few small step towards her. "(N-name)?"

As if on cue, thunder struck and it started drizzling a little rain. The bright light of energy revealed something shocking. Black wings appeared behind (name), reminding the men when they first met Castiel.

Sam reached (name) and when he was in front of her figure, Sam embraced her like no tomorrow. (Name) didn't hug back, her chin was positioned on his shoulder, yet her expression was unreadable and the frown stayed in her face.

"Hello Sam." (Name) monotonuously greeted, gently taking his arms off her waist. Turning towards the other two, walked over to them, Sam following quietly behind her.

"Good evening Castiel, Dean." She greeted.

"(Nickname), what happened to you?" Dean asks, obviously not used to this unemotional (name).

"We change Dean. changed. After seeing what heaven was really like, I decided to come back to Earth and assist you until Castiel revives his grace." (Name) explained, her voice slightly harsh at the beginning.

Castiel looked at (name) with a light of envy in his blue eyes. "(Name). You're an angel."

She scoffed lightly. "Thank you for stating the obvious Castiel."

"But this isn't you. You were a sweetheart and now-" Dean started but stopped at the sight of her glare.

(Name) cleared her throat and fixed her (favorite dark color) flannel shirt. She looked heartbroken at the memories she had as a human. The female would ask why Castiel would act so cold towards humans, now since becoming one of the 'Angels of the Lord', she understood why.

(Name) looked up at the men, her (color) orbs shining with bitterness. "You weren't like this before Castiel. The first meeting with Dean wasn't exactly friendly."

Hesitantly, they brought her to their motel room. Leaving her on the couch, they had a discussion in the seperate kitchen.

"I'm not sure that's (name). Maybe an angel using her as a vessel." Dean said.

"Maybe Dean, but think about it. (Name) had the heart and mind to help humanity. What do you think Sam? Sam?" Castiel told the brothers, when the ex-angel turned to face the giant, he saw something he didn't expect.

Sam held the door, which seperated the kitchen from living room, open slightly. He was staring at (name) through the crack. She was sitting down, looking at the room in curiosity. Her gaze landed on the table and saw the album.

Her hands flipped through the pages with such an interest, and Sam could clearly see the nostalgic smile on her facial features. Suddenly, she stopped on a particular photograph.

(Name) stated at the photo of Sam embracing her in front of the camera, smiles covering both their faces. She couldn't remember her memories as a human, but school he could recognize faces and names from her past.

"I really did change. When did I last smile like that?" She mumbled under her breath.

"Three weeks ago, before that case." She looked up and saw Sam.


"You know, I still remember how you smiled for everything and tried to be optimistic." He chuckles chuckles the fond  memory.

(Name) looked down to her combat boots. She smiled. "That's sounds like the old me. I don't remember much about my memories. Just faces and names from my meetings."

Sam smiled sadly at the news, but saw this as an opportunity to have her back in his arms, where she truly belonged. With him. He put the loose strands of her hair behind ear.

"Well, I'm guessing you don't remember this." (Name) raised an eyebrow at the statement, but her eyes widened at the sight of Sam very close to her.

A pressure on her lips cut off her track of thought and saw Sam in front of her with his eyes shut. Her heart fluttered, making her shiver in delight. Sam smiled and set his large hands on face and (name) hesitantly  kissed back.

Meanwhile, Dean and Castiel watch from the kitchen, both wearing proud smiles. It was good for changes to happen, but the memories are what keep us from truly changing.


Sorry about the numbers and unneeded spacing. Something's wrong with the app. Please understand and enjoy! Feel free to vote, comment, and/or request! ^-^

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