III: Teacher! Levi Ackerman | Rumor Has It

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Black was the only thing she could see. Her ears rang in the silence and your the back of your head throbbed faintly of pain. (Eye color) orbs slowly fluttered open, wincing at the sudden bright lights above them. (Name) rubbed the weariness out of your eyes, carefully sitting up.

Looking around, she saw many hospital bed and nearby sets of curtains. Her bottom lip lightly held between her teeth, you wondered where she was and how she got here. (Name) yawned and began to stretch, yelping in pain once a burst of pain shot through her upper and middle back.

"Oh, you're up already." She jumped at the deep voice. Turning her attention to the entryway, she sees Levi walk into the room. He sat down onto a chair next to the bed. She begins to fiddle with her fingers, shy to look him in the eye.

Her palm held your head firmly as a headache washed over her like an ocean wave. Levi lightly clicks his tongue to make that signature 'tch' sound of his. "You hit your head pretty hard, brat. You should probably thank Hanjii for that." He handed (Name) two painkillers with a cold water bottle. 

She gratefully took the medication without another word, passing the small pills through. "So, this is the nurse's office?" Levi nodded his head, checking his wristwatch. His fingers lightly tapped the glass and he sighed, loosening his tie the slightest from his white collar.

"Well, you managed to get knocked out for a few hours." (Name)'s eyes widened in surprise as her back tensed, making her sit up straighter. He glances at her from his watch, a small amused smile painted onto his lips.

Levi's fingers gently wrapped around (Name)'s shoulder and pushed her back onto the mattress. "Relax, brat. Erwin excused you for your incident and got someone to cover the rest of your classes." Her muscles relaxed as she reluctantly let herself fall back onto the plush futon-bed.

"W-where's everyone else, sensei?" His eyes turned into a half-hearted glare at the term, making (Name) chuckle sheepishly. Levi shook his head at the woman's forgetfulness, looking out the window behind him.

"Most of the staff and students have left for the day." Her brows lightly scrunched together in confusion. He sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. The man didn't say anything, deciding to keep his mouth shut.

(Name) shifted slightly from her position on the bed, pulling the thin sheet closer to her body. "But, you're still here. How come you didn't go home?" She quietly asked, her lovely (eye color) orbs briefly glancing at Levi. He lightly tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair, not uttering a word.

Unbeknownst to the woman, his cheeks slowly gained color and warmth. Levi was grateful that the sunset was concealing his reddening face. "We live in the same complex, after all. It's getting late and you shouldn't be walking home alone." (Name) gazed intently at the man as he spoke, her lips curving into a soft, subtle smile.

She positioned her legs over the bedside, her fingers gently hooking onto her heels' backsides. Levi stood up from his seat, brushing away any dirt that may have gotten on him and smoothing out any wrinkles on his suit. (Name) put on her heels and walked over to him. She giggled softly and placed a quick peck on his cheek, whispering a soft 'thank you' into his ear.

Levi's eyes widened the slightest in surprise. When she backed away and walked outside the room, his shock grew a tad more. The blush that once resided had now returned as his palm caressed his kissed cheek. Normally, Levi would be slightly disgusted by display of affection, but for some reason, he didn't mind if it was you forwarding them to him. No, he knew why he felt so comfortable with it and Levi wasn't willing enough to accept it.

He clicked his tongue, the noise echoing subtly into the empty room. The man lightly shook his head with an airy chuckle, following after (Name). The woman wasn't surprised to see the man beside her, only moments later.


"SEE?! I told you he would!" Hanjii squealed, watching the two walk pass the school gate. Erwin's eye twitches slightly at the teacher's loud voice while Petra sheepishly laughs at her behavior. 

Erwin sighs, shaking his head as a smile appears on his lips. "I expected it. What else do you expect, they do live in the same building." The women's eyes widened in surprise, doing a double take on the words that left their superior's mouth.

"They live together?" Petra asked, raising an eyebrow at Erwin. Hanjii's confused expression slowly formed into one of mischief. The ginger-haired woman beside her whimpered quietly as the scientist's glasses began to form a glare and hid her brown eyes, only showing an evil smile.

Erwin rolled his eyes, flicking her forehead. "Not in a house, Zoe. They live in the same apartment building." Hanjii nodded her head, rubbing the sore spot on her head. Petra listened, focusing on the view outside the window.

Then, she realized something. Petra turned her gaze towards the blonde man, staring at him with questioning amber eyes. "Wait. How do you know about this, Erwin?" Hanjii also look at the man, waiting for the answer. Erwin said nothing as he sweetly smiled at the two, turning on his heel with his hands behind his back, and left the room.

Petra and Hanjii stared at the spot the man was standing in before sweatdropping. "And they call me creepy..." Petra facepalmed at Hanjii's huff.


(Name) yawned quietly into her palm, rubbing her eyes soon after. Levi walked beside her, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his blazer. It was a bit later than sunset, the full moon already high in the sky with the sparkling stars and city lights, watching over them. No words were exchanged between them as they quietly strolled along the sidewalk.

She stared at the ground under her, twirling a piece of her hair in between her digits. Her (eye color) orbs glanced at the ravenette beside her. (Name) gazed at the handsome man for a few seconds before retracting her stare from him, a blush settling onto her cheeks and make them appear a delicate rosy color as a shy smile appeared on her mouth.

"(Name)!" She yelped as she felt Levi wrap his arms around her form. The blush turned a darker shade, now a bright red color. (Name)'s face rested in his chest, inhaling his rich cologne. She reluctantly pulled away, looking at her feet, only to see one of her heels without a heel, ironically. 

Levi sighed quietly, bending over and picking up her broken shoes. He turned to her, laughing under his breath. (Name) giggled quietly, sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck. "Well, you're left to one shoes. And it's going to take a while to go to the complex." She was surprised to see the man bend over in front of her.

"Levi-san, what are you doing?" The man clicked his tongue, mumbling the next words with an embarrassed tone present in his voice.

"Get on my back."

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