II: Yukio Okumura | Notice Me (Name)-chan!

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I was studying my calculus homework for the academy and right now, I hated whoever created difficult math problems. I slide down my wheelchair in desperation. Gosh darn, advanced classes.

A lot has happened in the past month. I became a little social and befriended my cram classmates, I changed my looks by leaving my hair down and take off my glasses outside of class. I got more confessions from male classmates, some from females. (I respect all sexualities.) That, and I ended up being paired with Yukio and Rin's dorm.

I hear a knock on my door. I stood up and arched my back, hearing a satisfying 'pop!', I opened the door to see.....Rin. Somehow, my heart felt disappointed. Did I want to see Yukio? I brushed the feeling aside, letting Rin enter the room.

"H-hi Okumura-kun. D-did you n-need something." I stuttered. I said I became slightly social and have a bit of my shyness left in me.

Rin grinned and ruffled my hair, making me flustered at the contact. "(Nickname), I thought I told you to call me Rin."

Over time, when I befriended my crammates, I became close with them; Shiemi, Izumo, Paku, Bon, Konekumaru, Shima, Rin, Shura, and Yukio. Especially with Rin. He was kind to me and offered to help me train while I help him with his studies.

"I was wondering if you could help me with my algebra homework." He sheepishly chuckled.

"W-what about Yukio? Doesn't h-he usually help you?" I asked.

Rin shrugged, lying on my bed. "He's out grocery shopping." I nodded, understanding his answer.

I sat down and patted the wheelchair next to me with a smile. "C'mon."

-Yukio's Point of View-

I sighed quietly as I set the grocery bags on the table. I quietly tapped my chin, check if all the items were there.

'Okay, perfect! I have all the things I need to confess my feelings to (name).' I smiled fondly at the thought of (hair color) girl.

I brought the bouquet of (favorite flower) in a vase of water. Organizing them to my liking. Then, I took out out box of (favorite chocolate brand). I learned that (name) absolutely loved these sweets.

I ran up the stairs to her dorm room. When I reached her door, I knocked softly. "(Name)? I wanted to-" I didn't get to finish my sentence as I see Rin and (name) sharing a kiss.

My brother's back was turned to me, and I couldn't see their faces, but their positions could say it all. I close the door quietly. I walked over to my dorm, the one I shared with Rin. I enter and shut the door behind me. I gripped the doorknob with such a force, it bent to my fingers' shape.

I sat on my desk, starting to check some paperwork. No matter how much I tried to concentrate, my mind kept going towards (name) and Rin. My fist banged the desk in pure anger, frustration, and confusion.

I was angry at Rin from taking (name) fro me. He knew I liked her, he even went with me to see if she liked me back!

I was frustrated with (name) because she had told Shiemi that she didn't want to have a relationship now, she had to focus on her studies.

Finally, I was confused at the bottom of them. I thought Rin liked Shiemi! How long did they have an interest in each other? How long has their relationship been going?

I took off my glasses, stubbornly wiping the tears that wanted to escape my eyes. Even if it hurt me, I wanted (name) to be happy and I wanted Rin to find her happiness. Besides, I guess have the got of my dreams as a sister-in-law isn't so bad.

I heard knocking on my door. I grit my teeth, put on my glasses,  and hesitantly opened the door, revealing the couple, themselves. (Name) had big smile on her face.

"Hi Yukio, want to join me and Rin for a milkshake?" I wore a fake smile.

"No thanks. I'll see you guys later." I waved them off. I closed the door, sliding down to the floor.

Gee, they even ask others to make sure it doesn't look like a date. They'll probably share a milkshake together. Rin is lucky to have such a great girl next to him, but I have to be happy for them. For the sake of my brother and my friend.

-First Person Point of View-

"I actually understand slope a lot better! Thanks (nickname)." Rin was heading towards his dorm room,  but hugged me in gratitude before leaving.

I heard the door shut and seperated from the hug, only to see no one there. "Did you hear that?" I asked.

"Hear what?" Rin raised an eyebrow at my curious question.

Despite him being a head taller than me, I ruffled his hair. "So since you got most of the questions right, I'll reward you with a milkshake." I smile.

"Yes! Thank you sensei!" He bowed, making me laugh.

"You earned it young one." I patted his shoulder, but I earned a noogie.

We giggled and laughed at our brother-sister relationship. Suddenly, I had an idea. "Let's invite Yukio, you know, in case he wants one." Rin smirked at my request.

"You inviting him because you like him, don't you?~" His response was a punch to his shoulder, which he pouted at.

"Shut up!" I drag him out the door and onto his dorm. I knocked on the door,  smiling eagerly.

"Hi Yukio, want to join me and Rin for a milkshake?" I asked, waiting patiently for his answer.

He smiled, but this smile didn't reach his eyes like usual. "No thanks. I'll see you guys later." He answered and closed the door.

I frowned slightly, then I fell a time time my arm. "C'mon (nickname), let's go." Rin gently ushered me out the building.

As we walked along the sidewalk, I kept thinking about Yukio. His turquoise eyes didn't have that shine and I could hear another tone in his voice that I couldn't place.

'What's happening to you, Yukio?' I desperately ask in my mind, over and over.

-To be Continued-

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