Alphonse Elric | Beyond The Armor

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Humankind cannot gain anything without giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost.
That was alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange.

There were nights were you laid in bed as the same dreaded evening replayed over and over in your head. The screams would ring repeatedly in your ears and his startled expression would always be burned into your memory. Edward's cries for his brother and his mother were what kept you awake at night and what haunted your dreams.

The basement held the most darkest memories for both the young siblings, always being reminded by the horrifying image of their creation on the same evening they had lost everything. Instead of having brought back their beloved mother, Edward had lost two of his limbs, along with the body of his younger brother, being replaced by a body of armor, cold metal, and steel.

Edward often blamed himself for attempting to break the laws of alchemy to bring back their deceased mother and causing his brother's misery, It had broken both your spirit and your heart to see their once carefree smiles disappear from their faces with stern thin lines. The children you had grown up with had suddenly disappeared and had been replaced with mature alchemists.

There were days where you were more emotional than you had meant to be and it was too overwhelming to control. Both the brothers attempted to reassure your doubting emotions, but even their forced smiles and smooth lies were only an illusion to the hell they were made to live.

It had been another one of those rare afternoons where you had broken down in front of the eldest sibling and sprinted out of the house the first chance you had gotten. But they had now known that you hadn't truly ran away from home, only to the cemetery where you would be seated under an oak tree, silently staring at the cerulean sky.

"Alphonse, you're better than I am with these situations. Can you bring her back home, please?" Edward pleaded the youngest in a quiet voice, his stands of blonde hair covering his amber eyes. Alphonse only responded by nodding his head and leaving the house.


The cemetery was silent and there was no disturbances to distract you from your train of thought. The wind blew softly into your face and lifted free strands of your hair. An airy chuckle escaped your lips as the sensation, making your eyes water. You raise your head to the sky and sigh softly.

"It's not safe to be alone at this hour, (Name)." A soft voice speaks to you, making you turn your attention to the male standing beside you. Smiling up at Alphonse, you pat the empty space next to you to invite him to take a seat. Hesitantly, he follows your indirect order and sits down beside you. There is nothing else but silence for the next few moments, not even the slightest peep from either you or him.

"Did Edward send you after me this time?" Your voice is smooth, slyly cutting through the tense silence. Alphonse shifts slightly in his seat, looking anywhere else but your eyes. You glance at the boy, giggling quietly at his behavior.

Leaning back onto the trunk of the tree, you sigh softly under your breath, catching the younger boy's attention. Your eyes glance at him, making eye contact. Alphonse's cheeks would flush a rosy color if he still had his human body. He turns his head away, twiddling his fingers in his lap.

"We're not strangers, Alphonse. You don't have to force yourself to speak to me." The male released a yelp, immediately shaking his head and waving his arms rapidly in front of him.

"I'm really sorry, I'm just a bit jittery since what happened." The words leave his lips faster than he would've liked them to, not giving him enough moments to read into the words. Alphonse is shocked to hear muffled sniffles from you.

Your face is hidden by your delicate palms and the streaks of fresh tears are obvious as they trail down to your neck. He feels his chest constrict at the sight, hesitantly wrapping his metal limbs onto your shaking shoulders. "Please don't cry, (Name). You know I don't like to see you upset." The words meant much more than to coax you, they only held pure truth of the emotions he harbored for you as children.

You peek from your hands to look at Alphonse. His heart sinks at your slightly swollen eyes and teary gaze. He doesn't hesitate to wrap his metal arms around you in an embrace. "Don't worry about us, (Name). We're still the same Edward and Alphonse you grew up with." He tried to whisper soothingly in your ear.

When Alphonse received no response, he peeked at your face, only to see your eyes closed shut. He giggles quietly at your adorable behavior, carefully standing up to his feet and holding you in his arms. He walks down the hill home in silence.

"She fell asleep this time, huh?" Edward welcomes him with a fond smile as he takes you from Alphonse's arms into the bedroom where he settles you under the duvets of your mattress.

"You did good, Al." Edward grins at his brother when he shuts the door behind him. Alphonse curtly nods his head, a delighted hum escaping his mouth.

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