Lena stood next to Monte as they helped students out of the school. Lena scanned the crowd for her children but didn't see them.
"I have to call Stef" Lena said walking down to the grassy area. And dialing her phone. "Stef, you have to hurry. I'm scared. I don't know why Mariana or Jesus or Jude are. Please hurry. I'm really scared."
Lena started crying.
"Mama!" She turned around to see Mariana and Jesus and pulled them into a hug.
"Where's Jude?" Lena asked.
"He's not with his class" Jesus said. "He might be stuck inside."
"He has to be okay" Lena said. "I want you two to go home now."
"Do as I say" Lena said. "Brandon is on his way from Florida and I need you two to be there when he gets home. Can you handle that?"
"Yeah" he replied before they left.
Lena stared at the school worrying about her youngest.
Alex sat in a empty classroom with Taylor and Daria. The lights were turned off and the door was locked.
"I wonder who fired the gun" Daria said.
"I don't know" Alex said. "But whoever did it made me almost pee myself."
"I'm worried about Jude" Taylor said. "Where could he be?"
"Wherever he is" Alex said. "Connor is with him."
"Did you get a good look at the gunman?" Taylor asked Alex. "Before we ran in here."
"No" Alex said. "I didn't."
"Are you sure?" Taylor asked.
Alex didn't make eye contact with them anymore. He was too scared.
"Let's not talk about it" Alex said. "I'm scared enough as it is."
"We have to get out of here" Taylor said. "I can't die young. At least not till I have sex."
Alex laughed quietly.
"Wow" Alex said. "You even have time to joke during a moment like this."
Taylor shrugged her shoulders.
"Oh well" Taylor replied. "I thought it might make us forget what's going on right now."
"Do you think we're safe in here guys?" Daria asked.
"Yeah" Taylor said. "Don't worry, Dar. We're fine. He or she can't get us. We're safe."
Jude and Connor sat quietly in the janitor's closet. Jude was terrified and Connor had his arm around Jude comforting him.
"It's going to be okay" Connor said.
"Someone is out there with a gun, Connor" Jude said. "We're not going to be okay."
"Yes we are" Connor said. "As long as we have each other. Jude look at me."
Jude looked into Connor's eyes.
"We're going to be okay" Connor said. "I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."
Jude hugged Connor. Jude felt his phone vibrate and pulled it out.
It was a text from Alex.
"Alex said him and Daria and Taylor are in the French room" Jude said. "It's just next to us."
"Jude" Connor said. "There is no way we can leave this closet. It's too dangerous."
"Connor" Jude said. "There's no lock on this door. Do you have a better plan?"
"No" Connor said.
Jude texted Alex back.
"What are you telling him?" Connor asked.
"To let us in" Jude said. "Because we're on our way."
Connor slowly opened the janitor's door.
Gunshot. Jude screams.
"Was that?" Alex asked.
"We have to get out of here" Daria said lifting the window. Daria climbed out first followed by Taylor. Alex looked back feeling scared because he heard Jude scream. He climbs out next and they make it to the rest of the students.
Alex sees Lena and he runs over to her.
"Alex are you okay?" Lena asked. "Your teacher said she couldn't find you or Daria or Taylor or Jude or Connor."
"We're okay" Alex said. "Me and Daria and Taylor."
Alex stares at Lena.
"I heard a scream" Alex tells Lena. "I think it was Jude."
"Are you sure?" Lena asked.
"It sounded like him" Alex said. "I want to call my brother. But I can't find my phone anywhere. I lost it earlier."
"I'll call your brother" Lena said. "You go stand with your friends. Okay?"
Alex walks over to Daria and Taylor.
"It's going to be okay" Daria said.
"Guys" Alex said. "I have a bad feeling about this. I'm worried about Jude and Connor."
Mariana opened the door to see Brandon and she pulled him into a hug then he hugged Jesus.
"Any news on Jude?" Brandon asked.
"No" Mariana said. "We don't even know if they've searched yet. We're just really scared."
"He's going to be okay" Brandon said. "He's a fighter."
Mariana sat down crying and wiping her eyes.
"Today has sucked" Mariana said. "And none of us can even get a hold of Callie. She's MIA."
"I'll find her" Brandon said. "But you two have to stay here. Mom's will be mad if they find out yall left the house after what's going on. So stay here and I'll find our sister."
Jude and Connor stare at the gunman. Eli.
"Eli?" Jude asked. "What are you doing?"
"Why does everyone hate me Jude?" Eli asked. "It's because of you and Connor."
"That's not true" Connor argued.
"Yes it is!" Eli screamed. "Everyone hates me! And I thought maybe for once Jude would care. But he used me just like Connor used me. Just like Connor used that Alex kid. Everyone laughs at me. And I don't get it."
"No one laughs at you" Jude tried.
Danni ran through the halls and came face to face with them and Eli pointed the gun at her and she raised her hands. He then pointed the gun back at Jude.
"You all deserve to be hurt" Eli said. "Just like I was. People like picking on me. No one cares."
"I care" Jude said. "I do."
Eli pointed the gun at Jude.
"No you don't" Eli said.
Outside, a gunshot is heard making Alex jump. He huddles next to Daria and Taylor. And the three then see Jude and Connor exit the school. They are both crying.
"What happened?" Alex asked worried. "Are you guys alright?"
"Eli shot..." Jude said.
Alex then looked over to see Danni being pulled out from the school shocking the students mainly Alex. Who broke down in Taylor's arms.
"Danni!" Alex cried. "No!"
Jude started crying again and Connor hugged him from behind. Callie and Brandon rush over and hug Jude.
The school year ended in a disaster.