Narrator: it's the moment you've been waiting for. Seniors get in line. It's gonna be a crazy year.
"Is this really happening?" Jude asked. "Are we really going to be out of this place forever? I don't think I'm ready to go."
Narrator: And everyone must make a decision about the future.
"Dad" Alex told Robert. "I think I know what I want to be."
"What's that?"
"I got into my dream school in New York" Jude told Connor. "And I really want to go."
"What about us?" Connor asked. "You know the only college I've applied to is here. It's not in Anchor Beach. So what are we going to do?"
Jude stared feeling conflicted.
"I don't care where we end up" Daria told Taylor. "As long as we're together."
They kiss.
Narrator: And romance is here as usual at Anchor Beach.
"You and me against the world" Noah told Alex. "That's how it's meant to be, Alex Harper."
Alex smiled and pulled Noah into a passionate kiss.
Narrator: and it'll all end with a question that will make or break one couple.
"Jude Adams Foster" Connor smiled. "I love you more than anything. We've overcame so much together. So will you please marry me?"
Jude stares at Connor feeling unsure of how to reply.