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1st ♀

I took my skateboard out of the garage and grabbed Monggu's leash. It was time for him to get a walk and exercise. He's been too lazy these days so I decided it was time for him to take a walk.

"Yah, Monggu-ah!" I called for my little, brown toy poodle.

The little, fat toy poodle waddle over to my leg and laid down to sleep.

"Hey, buddy! Wake up! It's time for your walk," I said, tying the leash to his collar. Monggu showed no sign of waking up so I picked him up and placed him onto my skateboard and headed out. 

The best time to take dogs out for a walk is when the sun isn't that high up in the sky and is close to the "golden time", as photographers describe it. 

"Monggu, you should walk now. Loose some fats, buddy," I urged the little–and chubby–one on the end of my skateboard. 

Monggu lazily woke up and yawned, looking like a little teddy bear. A smile eased its way up my lips as I picked him up and set him down. Finally, I can skateboard with Monggu pulling me down the streets. 

I love this feeling of liberty. This very moment itself was a better memory than having to help Mom with her engagement plans with her fiance. 

I get suffocated whenever I'm under the same roof as her. The only thing she talks about to me is her engagement party, which is still a year away. She said she needed to prepare as early as now.

Worst of all, I have to act like I'm actually a girly girl to hide my true self. She said if her fiance ever found out, he'd stop the engagement in a snap and that would cause Mom to disown me. I wouldn't care less if she'd disown me, but I had no where else to go. If she'd disown me, I'll be sleeping on the streets. 

"Argh!" I let out a distressed scream when I reached a quiet peak. It was a peaceful neighborhood throughout the whole day. So letting out a scream wouldn't worry anyone.

I gripped onto the wooden fench tightly and lowered my head, letting out a loud sigh. Turning back around, I found Monggu sleeping soundly on the concrete floor. I smiled at him and took a seat on the ground, next to him. 

"Must be very comfortable, Monggu-ah," I whispered to him, caressing his head softly. Just like the way he likes it. "Monggu-ah, don't you think I should disappear somewhere? Somewhere I can be alone and not get bothered by Mom."

Speaking of the devil, my phone suddenly vibrated and I received a message from Mom. Wow, what is she? A mind reader? 

Mom: come home early now. you need to get dressed. my fiance's coming for dinner tonight.

I read the message and immediately groaned. I replied: k. 

Mom: stop with the short messages. i need your cooperation here, kim ami. 

Me: k. 

Mom: kim ami. 

Me: mom. 

Mom: fine, whatever. just quickly come back home. i'll deal with you when you come back home.

I didn't reply afterwards. I just put my phone back into the pocket of my baggy pants and stepped onto my skateboard. Tugging onto Monggu's leash lightly, the two of us went rushing back home, where we were soon going to face a witch. 

When we arrived in front of our small, two-story house, I stomped on the end of my skateboard, causing it to fly towards me and I managed to catch the other end. We didn't live in apartments like other people, but I think this was far more comfortable. 

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