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I wondered if anyone heard that. Anyone other than me. At first, I tried to ignore it, thinking it was just my imagination but the singing grew closer and it created a void of fear in my mind. 

Oh, where is the baseball bat when you need one?

The singing continued on and it seemed to be coming closer at a faster speed that I got afraid, thinking it was a ghost that haunts the hallway. The lights were switched off in my room and I didn't have my roommate to scream with. I was so doomed to die alone on the first day of school. 

The door to my room swung open, the lights from the outside hallway illuminated part of the room. When the door did open, I quickly disappeared into the comfort of my blanket. Out of mind, out of sight. If I don't see them, they won't see me. Right?

But footfalls drew closer and closer that I felt a little shake of my bunk bed. I was so afraid that I might die tonight because there was a sudden ghost walking around and about in my room. 

Then my blankets were thrown open as a voice screamed creepily, "Boo!"

I screamed deeply and punched whatever was in front of me with closed eyes and opened one at a time. I looked at the bottom of my bunk bed and found Vernon on the floor with a bleeding nose. "Geez, man! You scared me! Now look at you!"

"For someone as petite as you, you sure know how to throw a punch," he said, rubbing the blood from his nose with his arm. 

"Here, let me help you," I offered, climbing down from the top bunk to help him. I aided him up and sat him down on the blue couch in my room and went to the toilet to wet a towel and grabbed a box of tissue. I sat next to him and dabbed it lightly and asked, "Are these one of the tricks Joshua was talking about?"

"You got me there," he said, grabbing some tissue from the box and lifting his head upwards to stop the blood from flowing down. "Yeah, 'cuz there was a new student that moved here last year."

"Who is he?" I asked, cleaning his bloody arm. 

"His name's Ethan Kim," Vernon replied, disposing the bloody tissues into the orange, plastic thrash bin next to the blue coach. "He's on a break right now."

"Why?" I asked. "He's not here?"

"Nah, he went back to America for a family break. I don't know much about it, but he said something about... family and personal matters?" Vernon said, trying to remember. Shaking his head, he shrugged. "Something like that."

"Are there that many Americans here?" I asked, eyeing the now closed door of my room. That would be a mixed emotion of a first day.

"No, we're not exactly full Americans. We're either half or were raised in Western countries," Vernon answered. "Like me. I'm half."

I eyed him well. He sure looks like he's half. "I can tell by first glance."

"You're a cool dude, Haneul," Vernon noted.

"Ha, right, I'll believe in that lie, Hansol," I said, eyeing my roommate's bed, which was still empty. Glancing at the smiley, mint-green wall clock, it read 9:52 PM. "What time is curfew?"

"Ten pm," Vernon replied, glancing up at the clock as well. When he read it, he quickly jumped off his seat. "Crap, I might get ten punishment points if I don't head back now. It was nice talking to you, Haneul, but I got to—"

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