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Mom: you have to come back home and stay for the week. the wedding is close and i need you here for the last minute preparations. i hope you cooperate, kim ami. 


This must be why I was here right now, back at home after telling Jisoo that I needed a week off because of family issues. If I said wedding, then it might seem suspicious because Changmin was also taking the week off. 

"You still wear clothing like that?" Mom asked, trying to hide her disgust and hatred for my clothing but was failing badly. "Don't they say anything?"

No, in fact, if I wore anything other than this, I would have been pointed out as a girl. "Nope, they're all friendly and they don't mind me wearing things like this."

Mom puckered his lips before making a pop sound and headed into the kitchen. "Would you like to eat or drink anything?"

Since when did she care about my hunger? It was always, "Go grab something if you're hungry" or "You can always just order take out, why bother?" What's with the sudden change, huh?

"I'm fine," I answered, trying my best not to roll my eyes at her. If Mom was good at acting innocent, then she must be good at acting like she cared, when she really didn't. Someone should give her an award already. 

"Are you sure?" Mom kept on asking and honestly, it was annoying to see her act like she cares. "We have some orange juice and kimbap. I could even make your favourite kimchi jjigae (kimchi soup)."

"No, thanks. I'm going to my room," I told her, standing up from the couch in the living room. Ruffling my messy hair around, I dashed up the narrow staircase that lead to my room. 

"Change into girl clothing! Changmin's coming soon!" Mom hollered from the bottom of the stairs. 

"Whatever!" I yelled back, entering my room and slamming the door. Everything was left where it was supposed to but there were more dust than I remember. Aish, doesn't that woman know how to clean? Or does she not bother anymore? Aish!

Since it was still early, I took my time to clean my room. After it was completely dust-free, I took a shower and then groaned when I remembered I wasn't supposed to wear and oversized t-shirt with khaki shorts. No, instead, I had to wear a pink t-shirt with tight jeans. 

I should be grateful I was at least wearing pants but tight jeans were so tight I kept complaining that I might stop the blood circulation in my legs. Also, it was itchy because it hugged my thin legs. Why are girls clothing so complicated at times?

I looked around my room and sighed when I spotted the doggy treats I left on one of the shelves. I was missing Monggu like crazy. Just wait, I will bring him back home and make sure he attacks Changmin. Monggu just needs a little more training and he'll bite off Changmin's leg. 

Or maybe he should bite Mom's leg, seeing that she's the reason to why everything turned out this way. She could have just told me the truth instead of making me believe in her lies. Did she not want me to hate her? Or did she just want me to hate her more than I already did?

"Ami-a! Changmin's here! Come down now!" Mom hollered once again. 

This reminded me of the other time when Changmin came over to our house. I hurriedly fixed my wig and then headed down, trying to walk normally in these tight jeans but I ended up looking like someone who had a full diaper. 

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