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"Lift your head up," the nurse instructed, pushing a rolled up tissue up my nose. 

I followed as told and lifted my head up. I felt light headed with the blood dripped out of my nose like that. 

"Boys these days. Always get into fights," the nurse remarked before she walked away to her office or something. I was left sitting on the bed in the clinic with Wonwoo sitting on the other one. 

"Haneul-a, you're really the student that met Jeonghan and he got in trouble by almost beating you up?" Wonwoo asked me.

Since it was already out, no matter how hard I try to keep it hidden, I silently sighed and nodded my head. "Keurae, it was me. Though, I wasn't beaten up then. Now... wahh..."

I guess Seungkwan's question was answered later. It wasn't then when I first met him one early morning I'd get beaten up, it was during class, the second time I saw him. When I was just telling him not to fight, he throws a swinging fist towards my direction. Geez. Is this how he repays me?

"I'm fine now, though," I said. Although the light headed feeling didn't go away yet. "Can we go now? How come you're still here? Shouldn't you be off to class?"

"Haneul, you can't go back to class in this condition. Rest up first, okay?" Wonwoo asked, standing up. Giving me a light pat on the shoulder, he left the room. 

I let out another sigh before lying down on the huge pillow on the bed. This would at least slow down the blood spilling out of my nose. I stared up into the ceiling and huffed a heavy sigh, since I was bored and I didn't have anything else to do. That Jeonghan. I wonder what ever happened to him.

After I was punched by Jeonghan, I was immediately rushed to the clinic by Wonwoo so I didn't get to see what happened to Jeonghan. Did he get dragged to the principal? Was he lectured by our Korean teacher? Or did he get into another fight again? Geez, if only life didn't turn this cruel. 


"I heard you were punched by Jeonghan! Omo, are you okay, Ami?!" asked Seungkwan, screaming the words after I closed the door of our dorm. 

"Shush, will you? You keep screaming my name. If my secret is out because of you, I will be the first one to murder you," I threatened him, walking over to the blue coach and collapsing on it. I was super tired from all the class work the teachers gave us today.

"Sorry... I just can't help it. It is your name, after all," Seungkwan knowingly said, sitting on the couch across from the one I was sleeping in. "But I should've been there to protect you when he beat you up! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Seungkwan. I only had a nosebleed and that was it. No broken nose, no broken faces, no black eye. I'm fine," I assured him, staring up at the ceiling before closing my eyes. 

"But you're still a girl," he reasoned out. "A guy shouldn't throw a punch at a girl like that. How on earth are you so calm about it?"

"Yah, he doesn't know that I'm a girl, doesn't he?" I asked him. "Don't tell me you're going to tell him just to get him to apologize to me. Forget the apology, Seungkwan. Just concentrate on keeping my secret."

"I know. But sometimes, I feel like I'll accidentally blurt it out by accident so I'm wary. It's a good thing I'm not very close with the guys in Hamji, right?" Now that sounded depressing. "Someone needs to teach Jeonghan a lesson, seriously."

"You're not the only one who thinks that. Why is everyone all talk but no action?" I asked Seungkwan, sitting up straight on the couch. "Why won't someone teach him a lesson already?"

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