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"Yoon Jeonghan," his name accidentally escaped my lips and the way it rolled out reminded me of the times we spent together from four years back. Especially that certain day.

"Yah! Give me that notebook already!" Jeonghan said, reaching out for the notebook I was holding in my hands. It was the very notebook that contained pictures of me, Seung Gi oppa and Jeonghan.

"Waeyo? Are you going to throw it away or something?" I asked him, keeping it closer to me. Back then, I was only oblivious and didn't know that something would've happened.

"Aniyo! I want to write something! Please! I won't do anything bad, I promise! Juseyo!" he begged, showing his hands out.

I stared at him for a few more seconds before breaking into a smile and handing him the book. "Mmm, fine. You better not write something like 'Kim Ami is a pabo!' or anything or I'll make your head into a Halloween decoration hanging on the wall."

"Mwo?! Yah, Kim Ami, how can you be so violent?" he asked, glancing up from scribbling something on the back page of my notebook.

"It's just a simple threat, Yoon Jeonghan. What's wrong? Did I scare you?" I teased him and giggled a small giggle. I tried to glance at what he was writing but he only pulled away the book. "Waeyo? What are you writing that you can't let me look at it? Hmm?"

"Bimi ida," he simply said, giving me a subtle wink before he continued to write into my notebook. "Promise me you'll only look at this once I go home?"

"Kim Ami!" a voice then called my attention before I could reply to Jeonghan's question and immediately I saw Seung Gi oppa peeking out of the back door. "Appa and I are going to the family mart. Do you want anything?"

I gave it a thought while pursing my lips together. "Mmm... Yogurt!"

"Ayee... What's with you and yogurt these days? Arasso, I'll get you yogurt. We'll be back soon!"

Only to know that that soon never came around. The next thing I knew it, I was attending their funerals with a heavy heart and I wasn't even shedding tears no matter how sad I was. They say the ones that don't cry are the ones hurt the most. The day they died was also the same day when Jeonghan disappeared unexpectedly. The only thing I have left of him was the words he scribbled at the back of my book.

Ami-a! We'll be friends no matter what! Even if I disappeared somehow, I'll promise to come back to you! That's a promise!


Yoon Jeonghan.

The boy standing in front of me right now wasn't like the Yoon Jeonghan I knew. But why does it matter? I clearly wasn't the same Kim Ami he knew. What if it wasn't him after all? I mean, the hair was just questionable. I didn't know guys could have long hair like this. Now I know what everyone was talking. Yoon Jeonghan could clearly win the Mister Pretty Contest.

"There, you know me now." He smirked as he took steps forward, which made me take steps back. The next thing I knew it, my back was against the wall and Jeonghan was still taking steps forward. He slapped a hand onto the wall and leaned in closer. "You're the new kid, huh?"

I wasn't used to being in this situation. Jeonghan would know that Ami didn't like this, that I didn't like. But he knows me as Haneul now, not Ami. 

"Get off me," I said, lightly pushing his chest so he could step away. 

Jeonghan looked down at his chest before glancing up at me with mad eyes. Before I knew it, my shirt was being held by Jeonghan as he stared at me with angry eyes. "Did you just touch me?"

Promise Me [SEVENTEEN Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now