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Lessons continued as usual but Seungkwan was more alerted than before. As if he was trying to catch a criminal because he kept eyeing the students that walked past us with a suspicious eye. He's acting strange, as usual. 

"Hey, Haneul!" greeted Jun, patting my head. I honestly missed the times he would treat me normally before that sudden confession on the rooftop. I had forgotten all about it but often, you would just randomly be reminded of a time. 

Oddest thing was that Seungkwan was watching Jun and I with a sad smile.

"Don't touch me, Jun, or I will grab a drum set and smash it over you." I wasn't fond of people randomly touching me, still. It seemed like skin ship here marked the bromance you had with that person. 

Even if that was the case, I was still a girl and had my reasons. 

And, yes, my best friend is still sticking around for a few more days. If you know what I mean. 

"Violent as usual," Jun noted, retreating his hand before giving me an approved nod. "Where are you two crazy kids off to?"

"We were thinking the arcade or the pizza place. Cafes won't be able to contain us rowdy boys," said Vernon, suddenly popping into the picture. Then Wonwoo followed after along with Sungcheol.

"You guys all in for a game of basketball, instead?" Sungcheol then suggested, playing with the ball he carried under his arms. "The arcade will eat our money up."

"True," Wonwoo agreed, nodding his head. He stole the ball away from Sungcheol and began dribbling with it. "Shall we go for a game? Loser pays for fried chicken."

"Mian, guys. I have somewhere I need to go to," Seungkwan said. 

"Where you going, Boo?" I asked him, saddened he wasn't staying for the game. I wanted to see him play.

Seungkwan gave me an indifferent look and I instantly understood what he was saying, even if there were no words. "Okay, I'm off."

"Um, all right, Seungkwan. Maybe next time," Vernon said awkwardly, waving a hand before Seungkwan left for somewhere. 

I knew where he was off to. The kids must miss him because he's hanging around us more lately. Seungkwan should at least spend the last of his high school days before they end. Make memories and all. 

"Okay, two on two then?" Wonwoo asked, still playing with the ball in his hands. 

"You're on!" Vernon said, pulling me to his side in a flash. 

"Yah! Who said I wanted to be in your team?" I asked him, pushing him away by pushing against his chest. "Tsk. Vernon, stay in your lane."

"What lane? I'm always going to be with you, babe." Vernon threw a wink and I just wanted to poke his eyes out with a fork. 

"Gross," I commented.

"Hey, what about me? If we're playing two on two, what makes me? An extra?" Jun asked, and if he hadn't spoke up, we would have forgotten about his existence. 

Sorry about that, Jun.

"You could be the referee," Sungcheol said, patting him on the back before stealing the ball back from Wonwoo. "Arasso, let's get going. Loser buys, fried chicken, arasso?"

"Yah! Sungcheol hyung! Yah! Yah!" Jun was almost hopeless now since Sungcheol wasn't giving a damn about Jun. 

I patted his back and gave him a smile. "Let it go, Jun. Be lucky you won't be paying for anything, depending if you win or lose." 

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