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The school got busy with last minutes preparation for the special day tomorrow—Mister Pretty Contest. 

I wonder what it would be like tomorrow. The fact that Jeonghan was going to cross dress tomorrow and compete in this contest hasn't fully sunk into my thoughts yet. What exactly is the point of this Mister Pretty contest? 

It would be so weird to see guys suddenly wearing dresses and makeups and even wigs. It felt like they were trying to point out me in real life. Nothing but a girl dolled up to cover up her losses and misery.

As long as I'm not doing that in the contest, I'm fine. 

I glanced at Ethan as he carried some boxes into the gym with Park Chanyeol and Kim Jongdae. He noticed me staring and gave me a smile before he rushed over after telling Chanyeol and Jongdae where he'll be.

"Annyeong," he greeted with his rectangular smile. "Are those heavy? Want me to help you carry them?"

When Ethan came to my dorm room yesterday, I didn't expect him to tell me that the hospital has found information about his family before the car accident from four years ago. They'll be giving it to him tomorrow and he wanted me to follow him but I was still thinking about it.

Would he find out I'm actually Kim Ami? Would he know in an instant once the memories hit him in the head and he remembers everything from before the accident? I was afraid. Afraid of the secret breaking out earlier than I intended it to.

Without an answer, Ethan took the box from my hands. "I'll carry these for you. Go get the other boxes over there, arasso?"

"Nae, hyung." I wasn't used to calling him hyung, but I had to cope with it while I'm still here or my cover would be blown and I'll have to move back with the Evil Queen with the extended version of my family. The Ruthless King was last seen having coffee with the other teachers and was glad he wasn't the one supervising us today while we did the last minute preparation. 

Jooheon handed me the new boxes to be carried and I took them over to the drinks area, as instructed by Joshua. If only I could drink one of the drinks they were bringing over. That was supposed to be untouched until tomorrow.

A drink appeared in front of my face and I immediately drew my head back, startled by the sudden drink appearing in front of my face. A chuckle was heard behind me and I immediately whipped around, finding Seungkwan with a drink in his hands—the same drink that appeared in my face. 

"Ja (here)," Seungkwan said, handing me the drink. "You looked thirsty."

I smiled and took the drink from him before giving him a warm pat on the back. "Komawo, Boo. I really needed a drink after moving all those boxes. What are in them, anyway?"

"The school is fond of keeping things neat so each box has a specific item, prop or decoration," Seungkwan explained as he popped a straw in my banana yogurt drink. "Drink up."

I began sipping my drink and leaned against the wall, watching as the busy boys of each dorm began working to move the boxes, decorate and clean. The Mister Pretty Contest was such a big deal around here it almost seems absurd, really. 

But all at the same time, it was really interesting. 


We were given a break before we came back to the gym and have a mini assembly. Seungkwan and I decided to order some jjajangmyun and mandu because we were feeling hungry for Chinese food. 

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