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The doctors rushed his mother into one of the wards while Seungkwan waited outside by the hallways with the provided chairs. He took a seat and hoped for the best, silently praying that his mother would be able to at least live longer. 

Cancer was such a scary thing indeed. It continues to attack people without mercy, without stopping. Seungkwan continued to be afraid because cancer did not only hurt the person who has it, it also hurts the people around them. 

At times like these, Seungkwan needed someone. So he took out his phone and hesitantly dialed Ami's number. He almost backspaced the numbers but his finger made a mistake by tapping the call button. 

Seungkwan wanted to end the call but the call already went through. "Yeobosaeyo? Seungkwan?"

Once he heard her voice, he felt assured, he felt comforted. He brought the phone up to his ear and took in a sharp breath. "A... Ami. H-how are you doing?"

"What's wrong, Boo? You should upset," Ami said from the other line. "Is something wrong? Is it about your mom?"

Seungkwan sucked back the tears by biting the lower lip of his. "Y-yeah..."

"Is it okay to talk about it?" Ami carefully asked on the other line. 

"N-no... I don't want to talk about it," Seungkwan answered, lowering his head, in case people could see his eyes slowly turning red and glassy.

Ami was silent for a moment before replying, "It's okay, Boo. There are things we can't always bring up and talk about with people. I totally understand."

"Thanks," Seungkwan said in a soft voice. "How are you doing there without me? How was camp?"

There was a silence on the other line. 

"Ami?" Seungkwan pulled the phone away from his ear to see if the call was still going on. It was. He put it back at his ear and called again, "Ami?"

"It was... all right. A few things happened but it's mostly okay," Ami replied afterwards. 

What were we doing to each other? Seungkwan thought to himself as he closed his eyes for a quick second. "I'll be back in three days. Do you think you can wait that long?"

Ami was lightly chuckling by this time. "Of course, Boo. It's only three days, after all, not a year."

Seungkwan scrunched his nose, even if he knew she wouldn't be able to see it. "Okay then. I'll see you in three days. Will you be waiting for me at the airport or are you just going to be mean and wait in the dorm?"

"The latter," Ami sheepishly replied with an evil chuckle. "You come home on your own. The airport's too crowded so it would be better if I waited in the dorm."

"Aish, you're as cold-hearted as always, Kim Ami," Seungkwan said, rolling his eyes as he smiled. "I thought we were friends!"

"We are," she answered. "I'm just the mean type so come back to the dorm on your own, Boo Seungkwan."

Seungkwan smiled on the other line of the phone, feeling his heart start fluttering again. "Oh, keurae?"

"Oh! Yah! Jun! Stop that!" Seungkwan heard Ami's voice on the other line, calling Jun loudly. Then, to Seungkwan, she said, "Yah, Boo, I have to go. Jun is messing around with the boys again. Aish. Bye, Boo! See you in three days!"

Then the line went off. 

Seungkwan smiled and pulled the phone away from his ear. Yeah, see you in three days, Ami. And hopefully, you'll finally hear my confession for you, too.

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