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I dropped my pen onto the table, lifted it up again before dropping it again. 

I couldn't help it. Whenever I thought about this kid, Ethan Kim, I couldn't help but see how familiar he looks. How much he looks like Seung Gi, who's dead. Thus, I kept thinking and thinking and developed this nasty habit of picking my pen up and dropping it on the table over and over. 

Ethan Kim. 

His name was on my mind for three days now, and I can't get him out of my head. From what I've heard, his dad is Korean and his mom is American—like Vernon. He lived in Seoul from birth but moved to the states in his teenage years. He's pretty rich in both Seoul and States. Not mention famous among girls.

"What are you thinking about that you're so deep in thought and annoying the class with your one-man pen band?" I heard Jun's voice somewhere, snapping my bubble of thoughts. 

Well, so much for that.

I glanced to my right, where Jun sat and smiled at me. I still wasn't used to seeing his black eye. I couldn't help but feel guilty because I was, in a way, at fault for his injury. "Are you feeling okay these days?"

Jun covered his black eye and nervously smile. "Sure, I am. What about you, though? You're always stuck deep in thought. Is something wrong, Haneul? You know, you can talk to me about anything. I made my intentions clear that night. Do you want me to make it more clear?"

When Jun moved his lips more than usual, I immediately felt sort of disgusted. Has Jun ever thought more about it? Minus the part I was a real girl, has he ever thought deeply into kissing the same gender as him? It's nasty.

I pressed my fingers on his lips and pushed them away. I regretted it seconds later, though, because I think Jun enjoyed my fingers touching his lips so I quickly pulled them away. "Er... right. Well, um, there's nothing much. Just tired these days."

Jeonghan forcefully kicked leg of my chair behind me and cleared loudly. "Be quiet."

I turned around and threw him a glare. "You don't tell me what to do."

"I thought you were a smart kid? Tsk. Such a waste to see you meddling with boys of that type," Jeonghan spat, eyeing Jun with disgust. "What a waste."

"Don't you dare talk to him like that," I warned him, clutching my chair's back tightly. 

"You're taking his side now? I thought I reminded you of an old friend? Shouldn't you be on my side?" Jeonghan asked, leaning back in his chair freely. "Such a pity. I guess new friends are better than old ones, huh?"

I clutched the chair tighter and let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm not trying to start a fight—"

"Seems like you are."

"Jeonghan," I called sternly. This caught the class's attention. All eyes fell on the both of us, whispering and murmuring words I couldn't make out. Ignoring everyone else, I asked Jeonghan, "Why are you always acting this way?"

"I always act this way? Huh, nice to see you have interest in me. You seem to know how I always act," Jeonghan said. 

"Fight, fight, fight," the boys in our class began chanting softly, then it raised louder and louder by every 'fight'.

I ignored them again and continued to stare deep into Jeonghan's eyes. "That very attitude you have there. Do you think it'll help you? Do you think it'll benefit you in the future? No. I didn't think so. So, I'm begging you, please, change that attitude of yours."

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