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"Umm..." I said awkwardly, trying my best to untangle myself from this mess I got myself into. Why does the awkward moments keep returning? 

"Haneul! I got this two in one—" I heard a voice say. Then a drop of an item. And then another. "Ha... Haneul..."

Jeonghan and I both turned our head to the direction of the door, where Seungkwan was standing, watching the both of eyes. There was something in Seungkwan's eyes that was visible, but I couldn't make out what it was. Anger? It looked like it. 

"Seungkwan, wait, before you misunderstand—" I untangled myself from Jeonghan's arms and jogged to chase him but he had already ran out faster before I could reach the door. "Boo Seungkwan!"

Jeonghan was calm about this situation as he walked up next to me with a hand in his pocket. "What's wrong with that kid?"

I bit my lower lip and glanced at Jeonghan. Without saying another word to him, I ran out of the gym to find Seungkwan. Wherever he ran off to. 

It took a while to find him. The whole school was so huge that he could be anywhere! But I found him by miracle, sitting near his secret entrance staring at the ground with a face that screams that he was preoccupied with million of thoughts circling his head at the moment.

I wanted to walk away so I wouldn't disturb him in his thinking zone but my legs didn't listen. I think there was an instinct. An instinct telling me to talk to him. I lightly nudged his shoulder and smiled, hopeful.

Seungkwan snapped out of it and saw me, which led his eyes widening in shock. "Ha... Haneul..."

"Boo, listen—"

Seungkwan turned away, a hand in front of my face. "No, don't. I don't want to hear about it right now. Please just give me some alone time?"

"But, Boo—"

"Please?" he begged once again.

I felt defeated. I couldn't force someone to listen when they didn't want to hear it at the moment. Standing up and throwing a hand into my jeans's pockets, I walked away from him.


This is getting more dangerous, Seungkwan thought, watching Ami walk away in a distance. I don't want to be too obvious anymore. I even asked her to stop the skinship! It's dangerous from now on.

Seungkwan knocked the side of his head. "Yah, what are you thinking about, Boo Seungkwan?"

It was true. Starting last night, Seungkwan couldn't see Ami as Haneul, the boy and his roommate, anymore. So now he has to be cautious on how he's going to treat her. Seeing her as a girl isn't good. That meant he's endangering himself and Ami all together. And he doesn't want to be the reason Ami will leave this school.

"Why is life so complicated?" Seungkwan muttered to himself, lying on his back against the green grass that tickled his backbone. 

Seungkwan told himself that he should at least try to see her as the guy she originally was. Before... before this weird out of sync heart beat began.


Seungkwan that kid. He left his ramen cooker in our dorm again. I told him repeatedly that he shouldn't bring that huge thing inside our dorm but what's the point telling him when he won't listen? Gee Seungkwan, you're giving me a headache.

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