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"Kang Minguk!" 

Minguk turned around, wondering what was up and only to find a fist swinging towards him on the face, causing him to take a step back. He looked up with glaring eyes and found Seungkwan panting heavily with his own set of burning eyes. 

"What is wrong with you?!" Minguk asked, massaging his cheek that got punched by Seungkwan. 

"I know you did it!" Seungkwan yelled, unable to hide his anger. Ami was probably scared to be locked alone in that dark gym and Minguk was just freely walking out and about. 

"Did what?!" Minguk asked, unable to follow what Seungkwan was prying about. 

The nerve of the boy, Seungkwan thought, his fist tightening as he leaned forward, grabbing Minguk by the collar and shoving his back against the wall in the empty hallway that was dim. "You jerk! Why did you do that to Haneul?!"

"Yah, pabo! I have no idea what you're talking about!" Minguk said. 

"You were the one who locked Haneul inside that gym! How can you not have any idea on what I'm saying?!" Seungkwan couldn't calm down. He was raging because Ami was in danger. 

Minguk pushed Seungkwan off him. "What are you talking about?! I never locked Haneul in there. A teacher called me to her office and I had to rush there because it was urgent."

Seungkwan took a step back from Minguk, his eyes were confused. "W-what?"

Minguk cleaned up his crumpled shirt and said, "I said: a teacher called me out. I wasn't the one who locked Haneul in wherever he got locked up in. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment with Ms. Lee right now."

Seungkwan was left there, unable to process what Minguk just said. Either Minguk was lying...

...or there's someone out there that's out to get Ami.


The door finally opened and I was never so happy to get out. I ended up giving Dino a huge hug then pointed at Jeonghan's unconscious state. "We need to get him to the clinic."

"Hyung, you look so pale..." Dino noted. 

"I'm fine, Dino," I said. I wasn't even able to believe my own words. I turned back around and tried to carry Jeonghan off the floor but ended up falling down on my own. 

"Hyung!" Dino yelled, rushing over to my side to lift me by holding firmly onto my shoulders. "Hyung, you need to go to the clinic too."

"No... no..." I didn't want to see Changmin after what I've heard from Mom. I didn't want to be able to hear his voice after the engagement party. Too many things happened. Too many things I never wanted to hear about were heard. Too many truths were resurfaced, bringing out the lie out of them.

"Hyung, you're going to faint," Dino stated, holding me more properly. He lifted me off the ground, leaving Jeonghan on the floor, still, unconscious. 

"Jeong..." I was too weak to even finish his name.

"The other hyungs are coming. They'll take care of him. Right now, we need you to get to the clinic," Dino said, carrying me on his back, though he was younger. He was a lot stronger than me, I knew that. So carrying me on his back was nothing for him.

Before we could even reach the clinic, my head rested on the back of Dino's back and my eyes closed on their own. 

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