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Two years later... 

"Yah! Oppa! Hurry up, will you? We'll be late because you're probably singing a song in the shower right now!" I yelled, banging the closed bathroom door. 

"I'm not singing in the shower, you pabo!" Seung Gi hissed. "Five more minutes!"

"You better be out in five minutes or I'm getting a chainsaw!" I threatened, walking down the stairs. I sat down on the couch and flipped through the channels to wait for my slow brother. 

Who would have thought this is how everything ended up? After Seung Gi woke up from his coma, the doctors explained to me that the second time he fell into a coma, his memories came flooding back. I explained to oppa everything—me in Hamji High and all—and I had to admit, he was a little mad for me going to an all-boys school but he smiled when he was finally able to remember me. 

Mom and Changmin? Changmin seems content enough with her and I don't care what they're doing with their married life but all I know is that no divorce papers in sight. My only guess is that they're living a happy life together. 

As for Dad, Seung Gi explained to him over the phone two years ago saying that he got his memories back and that he was going to stay here in Seoul to take care of me. Dad was surprised to hear that he had a daughter and that honestly hurt me then. But since it seemed like his memories weren't going to come back soon, I left him be. As long as I had Seung Gi, everything was fine. 

"You were yelling at me to quickly leave but here I find you sitting down with leisure while watching TV," Seung Gi behind me, drying off his wet hair with the towel hung on his shoulder. 

I threw a pillow at his face. "That's what you get for being slow." I switched the TV off and stood up, grabbing my orange bag from the couch. "Now, come on, let's go."

"I don't know if it's a good idea to meet the boys. What if they try and touch you?" Seung Gi worriedly asked me as we locked the door. 

"Just because I grew my hair out and wear prettier clothing these days doesn't mean they'll get all over me," I reasoned out, giving him a firm look.

"Right. Because my little sister also knows how to hurt people. Jeonghan told me once that you hurt someone in Hamji High just because he called you wimpy," Seung Gi, chuckling as we walked down the streets. 

"Gosh, why do people keep bringing that up?" I shook my head and gathered my shoulder length hair to tie it up into a low ponytail. 

"Ami!" Jeonghan happily greeted once we met him somewhere by the streets. 

"Why was I even worried? You have a boyfriend to protect you from those boys," Seung Gi teased, giving me a grin. "Jeonghan-a, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine, hyung," Jeonghan replied as the both of them gave each other high fives. He turned his attention to me and pinched my nose. "And how's my pretty little girlfriend doing? Did you miss me? University life sure is busier than high school life."

I stepped away and lightly stomped on Jeonghan's foot. "I told you to stop touching me, Yoon Jeonghan."

Jeonghan brought his injured foot up and wore a pained face. "You're obviously still the same even after two years. Are you trying to get me to use a crutch? Or are you purposely hurting me so that you can take care of me once I'm hurt?"

Without answering, I walked away from the both of them. 

"Yah! Kim Ami! You're supposed to wait for your oppa," Seung Gi said, rushing to my side as he gave me a flick on the forehead. 

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