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The ringing of his voice was like those type of bells that ring in a haunted house. It sent chills when you hear it and it feels like it's warning you about your life. That it was in danger if you didn't run now. 

I wish I had stood up and walked away roughly but Minguk picked me up from the ground and pinned me against the tree's bark like the maniac he was. There were no words. I kept mum on my end, but I wasn't sure what Minguk was thinking about, what he wants to say and what he's about to say.

"You—" Minguk began but decided not to start off with a 'you' so he shook his head and tried again. "You're getting on my nerves these days, Kim Haneul. And with the school's so-called Mr. Bad Boy, Yoon Jeonghan, protecting you as well as one of the Chinese martial freaks, it seems somehow fishy."

"Are you jealous now? Because you don't have friends who back you up?" I asked him. I pushed his chest but he didn't move backwards like I expected him to. So much for the muscles I have in my arms. "Let go, you gigantic beast."

"You think I'm easy, huh?" Minguk's grip on my collar tightened and I tried not to seem intimidated by him and his muscles. It wasn't like he has given a taste of his fist to anyone yet. He either didn't want to do it or he's actually a wimp in real life. Just like everything else, he's superficial. 

"You don't look hard, anyway," I said, rolling my eyes. "Stop poking into my business, Kang Minguk. You should worry about yourself."

"I'll dig into your life a little more. Find a little secrets here and there..."

"Oh, not so fast, your Minguk-ness," a voice said somewhere around us. Then a figure appeared from behind the tree, standing next to me with folded arms. "You're not going to find anything about Haneul. Rather, I think Haneul will find a lot about you. I heard you got some girl pregnant and that's why you're in this school? You got expelled from the old one, right?"

Minguk's eyebrow twitched a little and it seemed like he was close to losing the battle he decided to enter. "What— How did you even know about things like that, huh? Are you lying right now to make me look bad?"

"No, I'm pretty sure you made yourself look bad." Seungkwan folded his hands over his chest, smiling a winning smile at Minguk and threw me a side-way glance. "So, don't even try to dig into things."

Minguk opened his mouth, wanting to throw another threat or just anything, but he closed it back and rolled his eyes. "Ugh, whatever. This isn't over, you know?"

"It is for you, buddy," Seungkwan said, giving him a pat on the shoulder.

Minguk wanted to grab him by the collar but he phone started ringing. He took it out from the pocket of his school uniform and read the collar's ID. It seemed important because his eyes widened and squinted. He looked up at us with furrowed eyebrows and stormed away from the both of us.

I turned to Seungkwan, still feeling awkward because of last night.

Seungkwan rubbed the back of his neck, smiling a nervous smile at me. "You okay?"

"Yeah," I breathed. The atmosphere seemed heavier now compared to when I was alone moments before this all happened, sitting and thinking about the Evil Queen and the Ruthless King. "About last night..."

"Oh! Let's just forget about that night, okay? We should be bros with chill, okay?" Seungkwan said, slapping my arm like a guy. He threw a hand into his into the pocket of his school uniform, making him look like an innocent little kid trying to act like a teenager. "Want to walk around for a while?"

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