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The gawky eyes of the boys were taunting and it had me wondering if they already found out I was a girl. But looking at my appearance again, there was no way they'd realize I was even one. 

"Hey, a new kid," one of the boys with messy blonde hair said, a smirk stretching on his lips. 

"Yo, I'm Kim Haneul," I said, trying it out in an American way. 

A foreign looking boy walked up to me with a smirk. "American?"

"No," I replied, shaking my head. His face was so near I had to push his chest away. "Ever heard of invading one's space?"

The boy was amused at my response. "The name's Vernon. Who are you?"

"My name's Kim Haneul. Just transferred here today," I introduced myself. One down. Probably a hundred more to go. There were just so many guys in here. 

"Okay, Vernon. You've had enough fun. He's mine to handle," a voice said behind Vernon. I spotted a boy with messy orange hair walking to where Vernon and I were. He flashed a smile and extended a hand out, "The name's Joshua. If you want, you can call me by my Korean name. It's Jisoo."

"Hyung, you always take away the new kids," Vernon complained to Joshua. "It's not fair."

"That's because we don't want them getting tricked by your tricks again, Hansol. Remember last year?" Joshua reminded him. 

I just stood there, tapping an impatient foot while waiting for them to finish their conversation. This might take a while. Fine, pretend I wasn't here in the first place.

Joshua stopped talking to the suddenly called Hansol and turned to me with a warm smile. "Sorry about that. Don't mind Hansol. He can be a little... wild."

"Rumor has it he's seduced a lot of girls in clubs," a voice said, suddenly appearing on my right. He flashed a chubby smile and said, "Hi, I'm Hoshi."

"No, you're not," Joshua quickly disagreed, shaking his head. He explained to me, "You see, the kids around here have their nicknames and stage names. Soonyoung here always insists to call him Hoshi."

"Hey, it's a good name," Hoshi protested at Joshua. When he saw Joshua giving him a stern look, he raised his arms up and said, "Fine, fine. Real name's Kwon Soonyoung. There, happy, hyung?"

"Joshua hyung is the good student of this dorm," Hansol or Vernon explained in a whisper next to me. 

"And let me guess... you're a bad boy?" I asked him. 

A smirk eased its way on his lips and he said, "Bingo."

Right, okay. That security was speaking the truth. This will be a place filled with noise, I know it. "Okay. Well, this place's a good place."

"Among the three dormitory, ours is the best. We've won a lot of awards in the past three years," Joshua proudly told me. 

"Okay, hyung. You can stop with that," another boy said, swinging an arm around Joshua. His hair—unlike the others—was neatly combed and kept in place. "Annyeong, I'm Jun!"

"Jun? You're not Korean?" I asked him, raising at eyebrow. 

Jun shook his head and flashed a smile that could easily kill girls' hearts. "Nope. I'm Chinese. Also the president of the Chinese club. There are some Chinese schooling in this school, too. Like Minghao, Yixing hyung, Tao hyung, Yifan hyung, Luhan hyung, Henry hyung, Zhoumi hyung, Jackson hyung, Mark hyung and more."

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