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Let us all take a moment to appreciate how fluffy and adorable The8 is in the media above. 

~On with the story~


"Do you want it with extra cream?" Jeonghan asked me, nudging my shoulder. 

"Uh, yeah," I answered awkwardly. Ever since I magically got convinced with hanging out with Jeonghan more, this began to become an almost normal thing. If only I could turn back time to two days ago and change my decision to a no instead of yes. 

The friendly staff nodded with her smile as she pressed some buttons and said, "Please wait for a moment until your drink is ready."

"Nae," Jeonghan answered, taking the buzzer as he dragged me to the nearest table and sat down. He glanced up at me and asked, "How are you feeling?"

"What exactly do you expect me to say?" I asked him. 

"I don't have expectations of what you want to say."

"Right." Knowing the new Jeonghan, I knew he was the type who stressed you until he gets the answer he wants to hear. The old one was nothing like this. He gave me a freedom this Jeonghan wasn't giving me. It was as if my thoughts didn't belong to me at all.

"Just answer the damn question, Haneul. What's so hard about answering a simple question like this?" he asked me. 

Gosh, he's mean. "I feel awkward."

"It's been two days since we've been doing this and you feel awkward?" Jeonghan questioned, raising an eyebrow. "It was pretty awkward at first but I'm pretty much used to it now. How aren't you the same?"

"Well you can just say I'm different then," I muttered back, shaking my right leg—the slightly better one. My leg hasn't exactly cured yet so I was still limping around like a dog everywhere I go. 

"Okay." Jeonghan dropped the subject almost immediately, without even trying hard to continue it like the old Jeonghan used to.

Gosh, I just keep going on about the new and old Jeonghan, huh? I guess it's hard to forget someone that easily, just as it's hard to forget a certain place that reminded of so many memories. Just like home. But those memories where the memories that made me want to cry reminiscing them. They felt too fresh to be forgotten and that every single breath, I could feel it. Reminding me of what I used to have. 

"Our drinks are ready. I'll go get them," Jeonghan said, standing up. He returned shortly and handed my drink to me. "Enjoy."

The atmosphere was screaming awkward because of the silence Jeonghan kept leaving between us. I just quietly sipped onto my hot chocolate, feeling the foam stick onto the topper part of my lips.

A hand reached out and wiped the foam away from my lips, which made me freeze in place. It was the only usual thing to do because you weren't expecting a sudden touch on your skin and it just makes your mind go blank. I looked up and looked deep into Jeonghan's eyes and felt like time stopped right there.

Wait, what was I even thinking about? Weirdo. Kim Ami, snap out of those thoughts. It's been years since I had thoughts like that, so why should I even start with them again? They're nothing but another waste of time. 

"What are you doing?" I was finally able to ask, blinking my eyes repeatedly at him. 

"S-sorry," he muttered, sitting back on his chair and looking around, pretending—like me—that nothing happened at all. He sipped his iced tea and played with the ice in his mouth. 

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