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We had training to do and it was raining. 

Now, the usual thing to do then is to cancel all outdoor activities but no. They didn't think that a little rain would put a stop to everything. So this was why we were training outside despite the downpour. 

"Today, we're going to train like soldiers. Crawl, jump, run. Everyone knows what to do, right?" Choi Minho, our sports leader, asked with his hands tucked behind his back with feet apart. 

"Nae!" everyone replied with a steady, low voice. 

"Good. Now, everyone. Begin!" Minho said, his loud voice echoing in my ears as everyone began their training in the rain. 

Rain made this worst because the dirt has now turned into mud and now we had to crawl under hurdles to get to the other side. Well, goodbye white shirt. Why did I decide to wear this shirt out of all days? My luck wasn't very good today. 

I crawled as if I was crawling for my life. I didn't see the point for this whole camp, but minus all the hardcore training, it was actually fun. It was just like a normal camp trip, but just that sports are added. 

This wasn't fun without Seungkwan around to make witty remarks about just everything. At least I had the other boys with me, who were equally fun.

"How are you handling this, Kim Haneul?" asked Jun, who was now next to me. Either he lagged behind to wait for me or caught up with me.

"It's dirty," I muttered before continuing with this training. I was in my zone, concentrating on this whole training and taking it to a whole serious level. 

"You're so into this training," Jun said next to me, chuckling before he went ahead of me. 

Right. We'll continue our conversation after our training then. 


"Here," Jun said, handing me a bottle of water after we were done with training. Everyone was relaxing under a huge tent as the rain turned into a drizzle. It was such a beautiful weather, despite having to run in the rain like that. Jun drank up his water and eyed me. "You're a horrible mess."

"Look at yourself before judging someone else," I told him, eyeing the mud sticking onto his shirt, pants, shoes and even hair. I dusted the mud from his hair. The rest of his clothing, he'll handle with himself. "We're all dirty and horrible right now. Bet cha you're glad there aren't girls here?"

Jun looked around before pouting. "It's kind of sad that there aren't girls here. Wouldn't they think we look hot training in the rain? It's sexy."

I choked on my bottle of water and Jun stepped away when I spilled water out of my mouth. I wiped my wet mouth and told Jun, "I don't think so. They'd look at you and think of another horrible mess."

"Please. You're just saying that because you're jealous that I'm hot and you aren't," Jun said, flipping his very wet hair that had a mixture of mud. 

I shouldered him in the gut and rolled my eyes at him. "I don't want to be hot. That will attract so many girls especially the screaming type. Who wants that?"

Jun winced a little and tipped his bottle of water. "True. But then again, it can attract other types of girls too. Is it sad that I still haven't found my Cinderella?"

I coughed out the water I was drinking back into its bottle. I ended up choking again and repeatedly hit my chest. "Still searching for Cinderella, huh?"

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