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I didn't turn around to see who called my name. I was too afraid that my secret got revealed a little too early. And I haven't even officially talked to Jeonghan without getting harassed!

Walk away, just walk away like you didn't see anything, I thought, closing my eyes and evening my breathing. Just walk away already.

"So this is what Kim Ami looks like," a voice said.


I turned around and found Seungkwan staring at me, which melted away all of my problems. Thank goodness it was only Seungkwan who saw me as, well, a girl. "Seungkwan? I thought you were at the orphanage. What are you doing here?"

Seungkwan didn't answer straight away. He just kept staring at my girl self. "Is that your real hair?"

Seriously? I said, "No, it isn't. It's a wig. And you still haven't replied to my question, Seungkwan. What are you doing here?"

"I was running errands," he replied, reaching out to touch my wig but I immediately slapped his hand away. "Hey, I wanted to touch the wig. I'm curious on how it feels."

"Don't touch my wig. That's just weird and creepy, Boo," I told him, noticing my mom was almost walking out of the shop. I immediately grabbed onto Seungkwan's wrist and pulled him, sprinting down the street farther away so that my mom doesn't see us.

"Why'd you do that?" Seungkwan asked after we managed to disappear faraway. He was panting heavily and I could tell he wasn't the type who ran around a lot. 

"The Evil Queen was walking out," I told him, sighing a sigh of relief. Good thing she didn't see us running away or it would make it seem like I have a boyfriend. Gross. "I had to escape before she asks about you."

"I don't mind meeting your mom," Seungkwan said, shrugging. Which made me throw a weird look at him and he noticed it. "What's wrong? Can't I meet your mom?"

"No," I promptly answered, shaking my head at him. "Boo, why would you want to meet my mom? I don't even want to meet her."

"I don't know. I just want to, I guess?" Seungkwan replied, throwing another shrug. "Do you want to go back to school or want to hang out a little more?"

"Let's go hang around a little more. Who goes back to school this early? It's not even six yet," I told him, throwing a hand in the pocket of my jeans. People began staring at me weirdly because of the way I was acting but I didn't care about their judgement. They should worry more about themselves.

"Are you sure you're going to hang around... like this?" Seungkwan asked me, trying to point out my getup. I get it Boo, no need to make it more obvious. 

"As long as we don't bump into the boys from school then yeah," I said. Although, there could be a lot of boys wandering around here. I wasn't sure whether it was worth the risk. "You know what? Let's go back to my house so I could change first."

"Can I even..."

I turned around to glance at Seungkwan, wondering what he was on about. Then it hit me. "Oh, yeah, sure, I think. You'll have to be cautious, though. Mom might be at home. If she's at home, hide in the garage, okay?"

"The garage? Am I a dog now?" Seungkwan skeptically asked me. 

I was reminded of Monggu, whom I haven't visited. Since I was out like this, I should take the chance to visit him. Or if I couldn't, I'll just remember to next time. "Just do as I say, Seungkwan. Come on."

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