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"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked her, taking a step back. "You told me they died! What did you lie about this time?!"

"Nothing! Forget I said something!" Mom yelled back at me, pacing around the room with a hand on her hips and another on her forehead. "What if Changmin doesn't like my dress?"

"Mom! Forget the freaking dress! Why the hell would you have freaking lied about Dad and oppa's deaths?! Do you have any idea how sad I was when they died? When I thought they died?" I screamed. I didn't care if they people next door could hear me. As of now, I was mad than more. Even more than usual.

"I don't want to talk about it! Right now, I need an empty head for this party—"

I grabbed onto Mom's wrist and glared into her eyes. "Woman. Why won't you freaking tell me the true story behind Dad and oppa's deaths?!"


"Don't call me by my name. I don't want to hear it," I cut her off. My grip tightened as I continued to glare into her eyes. "Tell me the truth. Now!"

Mom continued to look at me and in her eyes, I could tell, she was guilty about something. I just need to find out what exactly is it that she's guilty of.

"Why won't you speak?!" I screamed in her face, breathing heavily. Even if my hair was a mess, that was the last thing I cared about.

"I'm disappointed in you, Ami... Screaming at your mother like this..."

I let go of her wrist, taking a step back. Now I felt guilty... Wait! She's doing this on purpose. I gave her one last glare before I walked out of the hotel room, slamming the door behind me. I was furious with Mom, the party, everything!

Not even halfway to the elevator, I threw my heels away and began running with my bare feet. I ignored everyone's odd stare at me not wearing shoes and took the elevator to the lobby. But when those doors threw open once I arrived at the lobby floor, I was surprised to see Hamji High students loitering around the lobby in black suits.

With widened eyes, I immediately tried to find a place to hide in. I made sure not to get involved in Kim Tae Hyung and Jeon Jungkook's crazy chase—again—and made sure I didn't get spotted by Vernon or Woozi, who were the closest to where I was standing.

I headed the opposite direction, walking towards the huge grand staircases that was empty. I didn't care if the students from Hamji were checking me out or not, I just need to make sure I didn't get revealed by the end of tonight.

Once I sat in the dark corner of the second floor of the lobby, I let out a sigh of relief. As long as no one stares at my face for more than a minute, they won't recognize me. After all, I was wearing a wig and heap load of makeup. It'll be impossible to recognize me as Kim Haneul.

"Hey good-looking, you free tonight?" a voice asked in an incredibly low and sexy—which sounded more like a fail—voice.

I was startled by the sudden voice of someone. I anxiously turned my head to the side and found a figure looking at me. I let out a relieved sigh and slapped his shoulder. "Yah—"

"Oh~ Making moves already? So quickly? You're really good looking, you know that?"

I felt so disgusted from this point and onward. "Yah! Boo Seungkwan! Stop with those nasty remarks. They're giving me goosebumps."

Seungkwan's eyebrows raised up in surprise. "So you know my name. How come I've never seen someone like you before? So beautiful, so..."

"Stop it you creep. It's me, Kim Ami," I told him, rolling my eyes at this boy. "Are you kimbap kidding me right now? Were you flirting with me?"

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