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"What the—" I said, wiping away my tears as fast as I could so it wouldn't appear that I was crying right now. Real men don't cry, and I'm trying my best to live up to that title. A man.

"If it hurts that much, then let it all out. Don't hold it back in because I'm here."

"Who the..." I couldn't see who was hugging me close. With the darkness and no light illuminating over the both of us, a face was what I couldn't spot from him. "Who... who are you?"

"Shush, pabo. Let it out and don't bother that I'm here," he said, holding me even closer. "You're too soft for a boy."

Who could be holding me close right now? Nothing could even stop the racing of my heart because I really wasn't used to guys touching me. Moreover, hugging me warmly this way. I would punch them in the gut but for some reason, I didn't feel like myself tonight. I felt... calmed.

After minutes of silence and me slowly letting everything out with the tears that escaped my eyes, I slowly felt better. Whoever he was right now, the pats he gave me were very consoling and I felt better quicker than I thought I'd be.

My eyes were finally dry and I was able to face the guy that was with me for the most minutes in this rooftop. I eyed him carefully, searching his face in the dark. "Who... who are you?"

"Tsk. You don't even know who I am? By my voice?" he asked, sounding disappointed in me. "Forget it. I'm not going to answer a stupid question like that."

"Stupid?" I echoed back. "Why are you being so childish over such a question, then? You're the one being stupid, Mr. Whoever You Are."

"What did you say?" I felt the collar of my shirt get held tightly and one person came to mind. It was already obvious who it was and who has been with me for the whole time.

"Jeonghan, let go," I said, pusing his hands away from holding my collar. 

"Took you long enough to figure it out, Kim Haneul," said Jeonghan. "Tsk."

"What are you even doing here? Nothing to do? So you're tormenting and catching me in my weak spots?" I asked him, snapping. I wasn't sure why I was mad at him, but it was maybe because I was sensitive right now.

"I'm trying to be a friend, Kim Haneul. Never heard of it?" Jeonghan asked me, grabbing onto my wrist. I could feel he was trying to look at me in the eye, but with the darkness blinding everything, it was really hard for it to happen. 

"This is you being a friend?" I asked him, raising my voice. I stood up and walked towards the door.

"Where you do you think you're going?" Jeonghan asked, standing up as well as he rushed over to pushed the door close. He switched on a small light bulb that hung around above the door. 

"Let go of the door. I want to go back to my dorm," I told him, my eyes fixed on the door. When he wasn't moving, I said in an even louder voice, "I said let go!"

"No," Jeonghan simply answered, grabbing my wrist again but I quickly slipped out of his grip. "Yah—"

"Stop this," I said, breathing heavily as the tears continued to play a trick on me. Was it coming or was it not? "I don't get you, Jeonghan. I don't understand why you stick around me so much."

"I told you before. You remind me of my old friend," Jeonghan replied. 

"Yeah, but have you ever thought of finding her?" I asked, keeping in the tears by swallowing them up. "You keep sticking around me because I reminded you of an old friend of yours. Yet, you've never once thought of going to her house to find her?"

Promise Me [SEVENTEEN Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now