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I closed my eyes and let the wind take me elsewhere. I wish it would. I wished I was a dead leaf, waiting for the wind to pick me off the cold floor and bring me somewhere other than here. 

"Changmin and I are getting married and that's final. Once we're married, you can either live with us like a happy family or go somewhere, I don't know where. I've endured so much but you keep rebelling, Ami."

"Get married then! The hell I care!" I screamed my words out, doubting that people would hear it. It was late at night, or should I say a little after midnight?

Mom had called me after I woke up from a peaceful sleep. Seems like she's always out to ruin things for me. That was when she told me those very words. Either I move in with them and pretend to be someone I'm not for my whole life or move out, who knows where, and live my true ways. 

Why were there only two choices? 

I sat down on the rooftop, on top of the piled up metal pieces used to build the roofs of tool shacks, and sighed heavily. I don't care anymore, I really don't. If Mom didn't like me being who I am and if Changmin thought the same way, why on earth would I even live under one roof with them? It's completely useless. 

I kicked the nearby metal piece and let out a shout of frustration. I continued kicking it and ended up draining the energy out of me. I plopped down on the ground, panting heavily as sweat broke on my forehead and neck. 

"Stupid Mom..." I muttered, throwing an arm over my eyes as I tried to calm down. The night's breeze was so cool and relaxing it almost made me forget what I was mad about. 

Sitting back up, I took out my phone from my pants's pocket and sent a text to Mom: whatever. i don't care anymore. i don't freaking care whether you live a fairy tale or nightmare. you know why? because all these times, you've only continued to lie. you've even been lying to changmin about who i really am, what i'm really like. i don't freaking care. that's it. goodbye. i won't live with you. it was nice knowing you when i was younger but now? not anymore.

I threw my phone across the floor, laying back on the cement ground and looked up at the skies. It was a clear sky with no clouds or stars in sight. It was completely pitch black—just like my life. 


I walked to class alone. I didn't feel like being bothered. I was sleep deprived and was still mad over the fact Mom and Changmin were really getting married. It felt like the days were shortening just for that special day to come. 

"Haneul! There you are! Bro, what's—" Vernon was saying but I gave him a quick glare before I walked away. Vernon wasn't the type to let things go, though. So he came after me and got a good grip of my wrist, turning me around to face him. "Hey, what's wrong? You don't look so good."

I punched his arm away. "Stop bothering me."

Vernon let out a sigh and put a hand on my shoulder. "Haneul, we're friends. You can tell me what's wrong."

"Why would I? There's so many problems that I can't even name one to you!" I said with a raised voice. There were guys passing by us, whispering to each other like high school girls. I threw them glares and they immediately walked ahead without turning back. 

"Haneul, you're not acting yourself. Is something wr—"

"Why do you even care?" I cut him off. Behind him, I saw the other guys I call my friends walking towards us. I rolled my eyes and looked elsewhere. 

Promise Me [SEVENTEEN Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now