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I have to say, being the new errand boy was something I least expected. But it guess it was kind of mandatory for the boys in the rap club. So here I was, running around to get them their desired coffee from a cafe a few streets away from Hamji High. They made it clear they wanted me to treat them like they were princes. Kill me now.

"Here's your espresso," I said, handing it to Mingyu. I handed the next one to Wonwoo. "And here's your ice americano."

"Yah! Newbie! Where's mine?" the one with pink hair—Namjoon—asked as he tore away from his notebook. I could easily see the scribbles of lyrics from here.

"What was yours again?" I asked him, pausing as my hand lingered around all the cups of assorted drinks.

"Ice americano with extra cream," he answered.

At least I got all the orders done. I just don't remember which one was who's. I took the drink he just said and handed it to him.

Namjoon took a seat and his sour frown was replaced with a heaven smile. "Good work, newbie."

Guess I'll have to live up to that nickname until I get a new one. 'Newbie'. I guess it's better than 'The New Kid'.

"Thanks, newbie," Hoseok said, taking his drink from my hands as he put on his blue headphones again.

"Nice work that day," Jackson complimented, but I was confused on which day he was referring to. He added, "Hoshi's foot."

I snapped my fingers and laughed a husky laugh. "Yeah, it wasn't supposed to be that way but I'm glad he can walk and run again. I didn't know he had to compete for some dance contest."

I accidentally hurt Hoshi's feet two weeks before his said contest. I didn't know he was a dancer and I clearly didn't know he was that good in it. I said sorry by giving him a huge box of tteokbokki and he instantly told me it was fine. The power of food.

"All right, newbie. Take a seat and watch your sunbaenims rap together," said Sungcheol, clapping his hands together which caught the other member's attention.

"Yo, Coups, which rap am I doing again?" asked the freakishly tall—at least taller than Mingyu—guy with the Yoda-like ears. His name was Chanyeol, as I heard from Wonwoo.

"Pay attention when I talk, Yoda ears," Sungcheol said, walking over to point out which rap was his.

"Whatever, Ice Cream Scoups," Chanyeol muttered back, rolling his eyes.

The boy next to him was snickering and I remembered that his name was Oh Sehun, the heart throb of Seoul. Or at least that's what he said he was. From what I heard, whenever he walked out of school, there would be fangirls chasing after him and sudden confessions yelled into the streets. I can't deny the fact he is one hell of a hot guy. But he didn't make my heart jump like the way you felt in real life. Whatever that feels like.

"What are you laughing at, Bubble Tea?" the taller boy asked the one who was snickering.

"Nothing," Sehun replied, holding in his laugh as he examined his sheet of paper.

I just sat by the side of the room, waiting for something would happen. This seemed like a club of chatter, not of rap, because of the way the sounds in this room never toned down. After fifteen minutes of talking and bickering, they finally began rapping.

I've got to say, all these boys sure have raw talent in rapping. Each voice was absolutely unique. The ones that caught my attention the most were the boys named Yongguk and Zelo. Really talented.

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