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"Last day, today," Jeonghan knowingly told me with a hint of a smile. "Are you sad or happy we're leaving?"

"I'm not sure," I replied, throwing a shrug. Looking around the open field, it felt as if I was looking for an answer. 

Jeonghan looked, too. "It was a short trip but clearly there's something worth remembering here, right?" 

I looked around again and saw the tree Jeonghan and I sat under last night. There. I had a memory. I wasn't going to tell him that, though. Smiling at him, I just said, "Sure, I guess."

"Okay, then." Jeonghan was still the same and he didn't try to continue our conversations. It was as if he loved to hear the silence more than anyone else. "I'm going to pack up. You should do the same."

"I think I'll walk around first. We still got a few more minutes," I told him before I went ahead to the tree once again. I touched its sturdy bark and then turned around to look at the bright, blue sky. 

I ended up sitting down instead of just watching around the skies that was now bright blue instead of pitch black. It was now just a clear sky, instead of a sky decorated with beautiful shinning stars. Now, whenever I look at stars, I'll remember Jeonghan and the blanket. 

A smile spread across my face by accident and I must have looked like a fool. I wanted to slap myself for it but someone came and interrupted me, "Yah, Kim Haneul."

I looked around then found Jun leaning against the bark of the tree behind me. "Oh, Jun..." 

"I'm sorry," he said, his head lowered, like he couldn't face me. I stood up, wanting to take a step forward but Jun immediately said, "Before anything, hear me out first, Haneul."

I opened my mouth, wanting to say something but just kept quiet. I waited for him to say whatever he wanted to say.

"I'm sorry. I know that calling you gay was offensive and I shouldn't have said so. At the same time... I'm thankful. Because, no matter how many times we fought, we continue to be friends. I'm really thankful of our friendship, Kim Haneul." 

I guess I was wrong. It wasn't me who continues to build it alone. In fact, Jun was doing the same. It was just, at times, he messes up and our friendship ends falling, he's still tries his best to fix it up. I gave him a smile and then a quick bro hug. "You know what? Our friendship is special. No matter how many times we've accidentally thrown it away, it comes back to us."

Jun gave me a smile. "You think so too?"

I smacked the back of his head. "Yah! Geureom! You're friends with Kim Haneul, not anyone else."

Jun retorted then rolled his eyes. "You sure are full of yourself for someone as small the size as you. Are you learning something from Lee Jihoon?" 

"Ha, ha. Very fun, Jun," a voice said, appearing out of nowhere. It was Jihoon, who coincidentally heard what Jun said about him. So he threw Jun a punch. "I'm not some little demon, okay?"

"You sure you aren't?" Jun teased, wiggling his eyebrows at the shorter boy. "I mean, everyone remembers what you did to Mingyu in the music room..."

Jihoon threw him a sharp look. "Yah! Who says you're allowed to remind me what I did, huh? Plus, it was an accident. Tsk."

"An accident? It looked intentional to me, Lee Jihoon. I still have the video. Do you want to re-watch it to investigate, Lee Jihoon?" Jun asked him, stuffing his hand inside his pocket. 

"Don't you dare, Wen Junhui," Jihoon warned. It was a simple warning, but why is it he looked so scary? Like the next minute, he was really going to kill someone. 

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