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Music began playing, lights were switched on and people started coming to witness the Mister Pretty Contest. I was excited, of course, to see my best friend competing in such a contest, but at the same time, I was feeling uneasy. 

Would I be shocked at the sight of Yoon Jeonghan, my best friend, in a dress? 

No, that wouldn't be it. I bet he'd even look more beautiful than I'll ever look in a dress. I was just feeling anxious by the fact that the Evil Queen and Ruthless King will be here together. I know some of the boys got invited by Changmin to attend their engagement party but that was fine. I wasn't even there as Kim Haneul at the party that time. I was a stranger to most of them.

Now? Mom could easily spot and notice me and realize I'm not attending some frilly, princess all-girls school. No, in fact, it's an all-guys school. The same school I got confessed to by some dude, thinking he's gay, found both my best friend and brother and almost got raped. 

Also a few punches here and there which resulted to a nose bleed one time. 

I made sure to stay out of the crowd, hiding in the dark with Seungkwan and the other quiet—somewhat quiet—boys. Ethan stayed around us with Kim Jongdae and Park Chanyeol but we weren't talking. Except for Chanyeol and I with the occasional talk of the club we both joined. 

"So, how's the school doing for you, Kim Haneul?" Park Chanyeol awkwardly asked, fixing his tie. 

"Stop playing with it, Park Chanyeol! I just fixed it for you!" Jongdae screamed, slapping Chanyeol's hands away from the now messed up tie before he began redoing it for him. What a kind boy. 

"You lucky guys. In the same club and all," Ethan teased, grinning before he bumped the tall giant's shoulder. "There are girls over there."

Chanyeol glanced at the direction of where Ethan nodded and his giant ears turned red in response. "W-wow..."

Seungkwan was snickering next to me. "Chanyeol hyung falls in love easily but he never keeps a relationship for more than two weeks. Sad, isn't it?"

I shouldered him. "You're someone who talks. When will you be getting a girlfriend, huh?"

Seungkwan blushed and cowered by the sides, silent. 

Weird kid. Weird kimbap boy kid who always asks if I'm kidding the kimbap. Whatever it's supposed to mean. 

I noticed Jun not so far away and called him over. "Hey, Jun! How are you enjoying this whole thing?" 

Jun threw me a shrug and looked around. "I'm not a big fan of this party. Every year, I dread this day to come. What person comes just to see other boys dressed up as girls?"

"Them," I said, pointing at the crowd of people who consisted of mostly teenage girls.

"Oh, don't be fooled, Kim Haneul. Those girls aren't here for the pretty boys. They're here for the actual pretty boys, like myself," said a voice. When I turned my head to configure who it was, I found Oh Sehun, Seoul's heartthrob. 

"Aigoo, Oh Sehun. Back at it again with the bubble teas and pretty face," said Chanyeol, shaking his head at him. He gave him a pat on the back and told him, "They're not everything, my chingu."

Sehun nudged Chanyeol in the stomach. "And who are you to say such things, Yoda Ears? I should call Sungcheol to tease you more. Or give you an even harder rap and make sure you don't listen and get scolded for it." 

"Yah, you come here, you punk!" Chanyeol said and then he and Sehun chased each other around the gym, leaving us to laugh. 

Ethan suddenly stood behind me and whispered words only I could hear, "Somewhere in the middle of the party, I'm going to the hospital. Are you going to come with me?"

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