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They say when someone confesses to you, you can't help but feel a warm sensation rush around your body or just stay there like a person thrown into the South Pole—frozen and unable to process anything else. 

But if so, then my choice must have been the latter. I wasn't feeling any warm, tingly sensation right now and I was frozen in place by this sudden confession. I've never expected to be confessed to. Especially when I'm pretending to be a guy. 

Unless... No, he couldn't possibly... But, then again, he could know, right? From day one, it has been Jun who's stuck by my side no matter what. Did he pick up something noticeable? Or did Seungkwan secretly exchanged his secret with him—and my secret?

There were so man possibilities that continued to circle my mind and I wasn't sure which to believe. In the end, I just concluded that Jun was high and somehow he managed to grab marshmallows that contained alcohol. Or maybe this was a dream? No, a nightmare.

Trying to act cool, I laughed at him and said, "You're just joking, aren't you?"

"I wish I were," Jun replied, continuing to stare at me without looking away or blinking. "I don't know, Haneul. I just feel this... feeling when I see you. You know when you know you like someone and signs start showing? Well, that's happening when I'm around you. The nervousness, the longing of seeing your face and talking to you. It's so weird and I don't understand why... I wish you were a girl, you know?"

Too bad. I'm already a girl. "Uh, well, um... Would it be okay for you, too? To be... um, gay?" 

"I don't know. I actually feel comfortable around you and confessing seems so easy, for some reason. Is it because you're a guy I feel like that?" he asked me. As if I had an answer.

"Um... Jun, I'm the wrong person to ask this. But, out of curiosity, why'd you suddenly want to confess?" It may have made things even awkward, but for some reason, I can't seem to feel the awkwardness. It just felt like all fun and games and nothing serious. 

"I... didn't want to lose you. You and Seungkwan are really close with each other so I wanted to at least mark my territory first." Jun threw a shrug at me. "So, um, what do you say?"

This was all too weird. If I were a girl, I'd probably be blushing like crazy because a handsome guy just confessed to me. But I wasn't a girl. At least, not when I'm in this school. I am Kim Haneul, the new transfer student who's going to an all-boys school and is a boy. And there was no way I acted like a girl anyway.

Though, it won't be long until my secret gets revealed again, right? Seungkwan found out first. Jun's the closest guy I know, so there was a fifty fifty chance right now. 

"Jun, you're absurd," I told him, since I lacked in words. Knowing I was bad in love, I was also bad in rejecting people's feelings. What do I say? Sorry, I don't like you? I wasn't sure if that was right so I kept it off my options list. 

"Well, I'm sorry I can't control these... feelings. I understand I'm being weird. I should like girls, not guys. Don't worry, maybe it's just a stage," he assured me with a cute smile. "Hey, um? Haneul? You got a little something there..."

The moment Jun's finger touched the side of my lip, I wasn't able to blink or react. I was stuck there—frozen. "Um, uh... Jun?"

"Yeah?" he answered, lifting his head up a little, which made me realize how close our faces where. He wasn't staring at me, though. Instead, he was looking lower down—my lips. The next second, I found him slowly leaning closer but I quickly turned away.

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