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"Did you have to act that way?" Mom asked me, putting a hand onto her hip as she stressed out. "I was so embarrassed because of you last night. I told you to act like a feminine girl—"

"Just because you told me to doesn't mean I'd obliged to do it," I told her, cutting her off. Then smiling, I just shrugged at  her. "How do I even act feminine these days?"

"You sit properly, like a lady. Also, you do soft gestures and movements. Have you ever tried singing? Your voice is so husky these days." Mom was currently trying to reenact a proper lady, as she puts it. 

"Yeah, yeah. Mom, you look like someone drunk trying out a perfume," I bluntly commented, picking up Monggu from the ground. "I'm going now. See you around, drunk Mom."

"Yah! How dare you—"

Before she could finish her scolding, I was already out of the door, riding on my skateboard with Monggu accompanying me once again. I rode a different direction this time. The opposite way from where I was riding yesterday. 

I came across a lot of trees and shops filled with the great smell of food. I was hungry but decided to ride around the neighborhood before I settled for some food. 

I stopped skating when I came across the famous all-boys school in the neighborhood. It was a fifteen minutes ride from my house and I just stood in front of the closed, black gates of the school. I spotted a few guys inside playing basketball outdoors and having fun. 

"Yah, Yoon Jeonghan! Pass the ball back, will you?" a voice shouted so loudly even I caught it.

My eyes widened in shock. Did I hear that correctly? Yoon Jeonghan? Or maybe he's just another guy who coincidentally have the same name as my childhood best friend. It's common to have the same names in Korea these days. 

Shaking my head, I categorized myself as delusional because it couldn't have been Yoon Jeonghan, my best friend. We lost contact of each other, after all. It's been four years already, so what's the difference? 

But since it's been so long since we contacted each other, I suddenly had a thought of visiting the rascal that suddenly disappeared, in my case. Getting on my skateboard again, I tried my best to remember the route to his apartment complex. 

When I finally arrived there, I went straight into the elevator. Since pets weren't allowed there, I left Monggu under the care of the security guard while I tried to visit Jeonghan's apartment. Arriving at the designed floor, I rang the bell and waited in front of the closed door. 

The door finally opened, but the person who opened it was someone I did not recognized. Nor did she recognized me either. She raised an eyebrow and asked me, "Who are you?"

I tried not to frown as I asked, "Oh, um, the family... Yoon family doesn't live here anymore?"

"Yoon family?" the middle-aged woman asked, trying to remember. "Ah! You mean the old family that lived here? Yeah, well, they moved out."

"They... they did?" I asked, not able to process what I was hearing. Where is that rascal, Yoon Jeonghan? How dare he leave me all alone when I was struggling to accept the fact my brother and dad died in an accident four years ago. "Do you know where they relocated to?"

The lady shrugged and said, "Don't know. I have to go now. I left the kettle on."

"Ah, nae," I said, bowing at her. "Thank you."

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