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I opened the gift Jeonghan gave me yesterday and found a watch. 

Huh, I guess when I said that the bag looked like the type for when you bought a watch as a gift, it ended up being true. I noticed a card buried at the back of the box where the watch was kept and took it out. The handwriting had to be Jeonghan's; the messy way he wrote that was still readable was obviously his. 

Jeonghan had written: 

I bought this watch for you as a gift. It represents the times we have spent together ever since we met... with me holding your collar. Hehe, sorry about that time. Hope I'm forgiven! :) 

He sure has changed. 

Okay, why was this making my heart flutter? 

I looked at the skies as I laid down on the floor of the rooftop, putting my hand under my head as I held the watch closely in my hands. I let out a smile as the memories played back and forth. It felt as if I was in a drama with the OST playing softly in the background. It was indescribable. 

I wondered if this was really the feeling of love. I've never really experienced it so I wondered if this was how people feel when they were in love. The butterflies in the stomach, the quickening of heartbeats. It is, right?

My smile slowly disappeared as I wondered about the possibilities of Jeonghan falling in love with me. Would it be possible? Would he like me... even if I was different now? It's just a crush, yet, I don't even know how to handle it or what to do. 

I played with the watch with my fingers by caressing its smooth body as I continued thinking. It wouldn't be long until he finds out. It wouldn't be long until everyone finds out, to be exact. 

"Out here again?" a voice then interrupted my thoughts. 

I quickly sat up and faced the door, surprised to see Chanyeol walk in. This reminded me of the time Chanyeol and I were alone on the rooftop and I grew more conscious when he was around. "Sunbaenim."

"I see you haven't visited Ethan, hmm?" Chanyeol said, taking a seat near the end of the rooftop. He was looking below and it made him look like he was filming a drama or commercial. 

"I told you: I don't know him to that extent," I insisted almost angrily as I clutched the watch in my hand. I didn't want to break it but Chanyeol was really ticking me off. 

"Sure, sure. If you say so," Chanyeol plainly replied, nodding his head almost sarcastically. "You shouldn't keep lying, though. I heard it isn't good."

I stopped talking and grabbed the bag Jeonghan gave me yesterday and stood up. I was about to leave the rooftop when Chanyeol suddenly came rushing in to shut the door. I glared at him and asked, "What is wrong with you?"

"Tell me the truth and I'll let you out of here," Chanyeol said, pushing the door hard enough so it wouldn't budge.

Wanting to leave, I reached for the doorknob but Chanyeol forcefully grabbed my hand, pulling it away from the doorknob's reach. I screamed, "What are you doing?!"

"Tell me!" Chanyeol shouted, shaking my wrist violently. "Tell me what you're hiding!"

"I'm not hiding anything!" I screamed back at him, kicking him in the shin. He fell back but quickly got up, lunging forward to hold me back with all his might. "Let go! I said, let go!"

"Not until you tell me!" Chanyeol's grip tightened as he pulled me farther away from the door. 

"Help! Help!" I shouted before Chanyeol clammed his hand over my mouth. I needed to call someone's attention so I licked Chanyeol's palm.

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