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"That, er, isn't mine! I mean, it is but... It's not exactly mine, per se..." No matter what excuse I tried to come up with, nothing really made sense. It was only my first official day in Hamji High and my secret got revealed already?

"What? Haneul... Wait, is that even your real name? You're a girl, aren't you?" Seungkwan sounded mad as he threw my bra onto the floor where it slid towards my direction. "I should just report to the office and—"

"Wait, Seungkwan, don't!" I yelled, grabbing onto his wrist tightly when he walked past me, about to walk out that door. My grip tightened as I turned him around. Giving him a stern look in the eyes, I calmly yet sternly said, "Listen to me first."

"Why should I?" Seungkwan asked me, crossing his hands over his chest. "You don't even belong here."

"Because you made me realize something. You made me realize that not a lot of kids are able to feel the warmth of a parent's love. To be loved like they mean the world," I told him, which made his face expression drastically turn. "Keurae, I have parents too. But I lost the other one and my... oppa. Ever since, I don't feel like I even have a Mom. It just feels like some random adult taking care of me without putting their hearts into raising me. Like she's a robot set on auto-pilot."

Seungkwan wasn't walking, doing or saying anything so that meant he was listening. Hopefully this will be able to change his mind.

"She got a new boyfriend three days after my dad died. Three days. People usually take months but it took her just days? It was as if my dad became a distant memory to her. She doesn't seem to care about him anymore. Heck, she doesn't even attend my dad's and oppa's death anniversaries!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I was letting it out. I wanted to let it all out. "The day my brother and dad died, I was never the same. I turned into a tomboy and never fitted in with the girls or boys. I thought that maybe if I came here, I would be able to actually live before I don't. My supposedly stepdad is getting married to my mom next year."

I looked at Seungkwan, curious on what emotion he was feeling. Reading his expression, I could tell that he was shocked by my story and there was a sense of pity I could feel from him. "Haneul—if that's even your name—I'm... I'm so sorry."

"The only way I could fit in is to go to an all-boys school and, well, live like a boy. I bet I wasn't even that suspicious until you..." I left the words hanging. I didn't want to get reminded over what happened. "Are... are you still going to report about me?"

"Only if you keep my secret. I'll keep yours if you promise to keep mine."

"Deal." Then we shook hands. I picked up my thrown bra on the floor and carefully put it back inside my suitcase without another word.

"For a second there, I thought you were some byuntae who stole some girl's bra. But you were too wimpy looking to be someone like that. After all, you look more like a softy, like me," Seungkwan said, plopping onto his bottom bunk of the bed and giving me a grin.

"Hey, this soft wimp injured someone so badly he has to use a crutch for the next whole week," I proudly told him, zipping up my bag well enough so it wouldn't be opened by Seungkwan or any other boy again. Good thing I brought a lock with its key.

"Woah, you are definitely not feminine-like. You're not like those girls who disguised themselves as boys in those dramas. You're like a man," Seungkwan said.

I wasn't sure if it that was a compliment or an insult so I just said, "Thanks."

"So... what's your name?" Seungkwan then asked, swinging his legs back and forth.

Promise Me [SEVENTEEN Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now