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"Let it all out. After what you've gone through, it's best to let it out," said a voice. 

I paused from crying and looked up, wondering who was comforting me. "J-Jeonghan..."

Jeonghan was the person I least expected to comfort me, knowing what he has become now. But at the same time, I was glad it was him that held me closely, just like all the other years from before. 

"Just let it all out, pabo. I don't blame you for being so weak and not throwing a punch at him. You're a dude, after all." Jeonghan let me go and used his thumbs to wipe away the tears from my eyes. "Don't think I'm going soft on you. It's just because you're scared. He was harassing you, why didn't you punch him?"

"I was scared." It wasn't a lie. What girl wouldn't be afraid if a guy tried to touch her in places she didn't want to be in the first place? "I couldn't do anything..."

"Pabo, you should have screamed," Jeonghan said, ruffling up my hair. 

"I'm not a girl, Yoon Jeonghan. I don't scream for help." At least, that's how I have always been. I've dealt with problems like it was a game in the park and when something like this happened, I couldn't scream because that wouldn't be like me.

"I'm not saying you're a girl. If you're in trouble, the normal thing is to scream for help. Tsk. You're a pabo who doesn't even know the basic procedures," Jeonghan commented before he picked up from the ground. He eyed Baro, who was knocked down on the floor, unconscious. "We should leave him."

"But if we leave him like that, who knows what he could do to me in the future!" I didn't want to find out what else he was capable of. I got lucky twice, who knows when that luck might end? 

"I didn't mean it like leave him here unconscious and not do anything about him later, pabo. Use your brain," Jeonghan said, lightly knocking the side of my head. "We have to report to a teacher."

"Oh..." I felt embarrassed but at the same time, my mind wasn't working properly. I almost got raped by a boy and that will remain in my mind as a scarring moment. 

"Let's go before he wakes up," Jeonghan said, dragging me out of the rooftop before Baro would wake up. 

I eyed Baro once last time, feeling kind of sorry for him before we walked out of the rooftop. If Jeonghan swooped in to save me up there, was there a possibility that he must have heard our conversation? The fact that I was... a girl?

I hoped and prayed not. But you'll never know what he might have heard so I ended up asking, "Did you hear what Baro was saying when we were up on the rooftop?"

Jeonghan was either really good in acting or he didn't hear what our conversation was at all. "No, why? What were you two talking about up there?"

"Nothing." It was better if he didn't knew. I knew he'd go all Hulk if he knew who I really was and that I continued lying in front of his face. "Let's just quickly report to the teacher. I don't want Baro going around and harassing g..." I almost said girls but immediately paused and continued, "...uys."

Jeonghan nodded in agreement and we arrived at the teacher's office. Mr. Shin, our maths teacher, stood up when he saw the both of us enter. "How can I help the two of you boys?"

"Sonsaengnim, there's a boy who recently tried to rape Kim Haneul-sshi," Jeonghan reported and it made the teacher's eyes widen in shock. "He's currently knocked out on the rooftop of Dormitory 3. What do we do with him?"

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