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"Hey, Boo? Do me a favor. Go buy banana milk," I requested him, tapping his forehead. He was still laying on my shoulder, after all.

"Huh? Why so sudden—"

"Please? My leg hurts so I can't go and buy one for myself," I begged, lightly tugging onto the sleeve of his uniform. "Jebalyo, Boo!"

"Fine," Seungkwan grumbled getting out of the bed then bowing goodbye to the nurse before he left the clinic room. Good. I didn't want Seungkwan to find out about my soon-to-be-wicked-stepdad. Behold the Ruthless King.

"Hello, Kim Haneul. I'm the new nurse, Cho Changmin. What seems to be the problem with you today?" Changmin asked with his ever persistent smile of his. He examined the leg that I lifted up onto the bed and squeezed it with pressure, which made me shout in agony. "So here is the pain?"

Ain't it obvious? Why did you think I shouted in pain? What, did you think I enjoyed you touching it? I ain't my mom. "Yup."

Changmin began massaging it and checking on it and I sat there, just hoping he didn't recognized me. And what the heck is he even doing here in the first place? Finally, he glanced up and gave me a smile. "You look like my daughter."

I almost did a spit take and folded my arms over my chest. With gritted teeth and a forced smile, "Really? What's her name?"

"Kim Ami," he answered, smiling as he wrapped a bandage around my knee.

I knowingly cleared my throat and asked him, "Oh, is she your birth daughter?"

"Yes," he said proudly. What? "My wife and I raised her up well. Although, we've only raised her up for four years now. She was with another man before we raised her up. Another man who she treats like her dad."

Liar. Liar.

How dare he speak ill of Dad. But what are these lies that are coming out of this man's mouth. Does he think he has the right to do that? "Tell me more."

"Well, my wife cheated on me for a while, but she came back to me and I forgave her. As long as my daughter doesn't know about it, we'll be fine," Changmin said with a smile—he dares smile—and finished my treatment. "There, you're all done. You'll be able to walk properly in a week or so. For now, you'll have to walk like a limping dog."

"Ah, yae..." The story didn't make sense at all. Either he was lying or... he was telling a true story mixed in with lies. Does that mean Mom cheated on Dad before his death? No wonder I hated her more than I hated insects. And I really hate insects. "Wait, er, can you tell me the story of your daughter again? I want to, um, hear it better? Maybe even... the truth this time?"

Changmin's eyes shot up in a curious manner but his lips stretched into a fine smile before sitting back down and agreeing, "Keurae. I wasn't very honest with that story. I'll tell you the truth from now on. But how did you know it was a lie?"

"Your movements are obvious," I lied, hoping he didn't notice that I was lying too. "There's a certain way to know a person's lying."

"Oh," he said, smiling again. Then, he began, "Honestly, Kim Ami isn't my birth daughter. She's my best friend's daughter."

Wait, what? Changmin is Dad's best friend? That was new. How come I've never really heard about him?

"You know life isn't as perfect as it seem. That every corner, there's a darkness lurking in them. So... that was when my best friend's wife began making moves on me. Eventually, I ended up falling in love with her as well. So she and I dated behind my best friend's back. That was around when Kim Ami was 13. Also when my best friend and his son got involved in a car accident and died."

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